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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    You are welcome Daisy. I do not usually read this thread, so glad to help this morning.
    Anxiety is also a problem for me, without wine it is a lot more manageable. I have even had seizures over the years because of it.
    I know how important it is I manage my stress level, but still I drank. So, I do understand. I think it is best to stop before something really bad happens, you don't need that right?
    I have also been suffering from headaches. Now that I am sober I can address these issues.
    No more cloudy brain to confuse things.

    I don't know how much and with what frequently you drink, but I hope you will decide to do what is best for you. For me it was a matter of making the decision not to drink and stick to it. Each week that passed it got more and more obvious I was doing the right thing.
    Just want to reassure you that you won't decide later it was a stupid idea to quit. Now I keep thinking 'omg WHY didn't I stop years ago?" I thought it was fun, made me not care, feel free... What a load of nonsense, now I sleep at night and enjoy the day instead of managing to get through it.
    Last edited by Eloise; July 23, 2015, 05:53 AM.
    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


      I have been drinking 1 to 2 bottles of wine nightly with the odd night off. Since coming back here 2 weeks ago things are improving. Not there yet but can feel it coming together.
      Went to the gym today and listened to the bubble hour while I worked out.
      That final push needs to come from me to make this work. Definitely better here than not....otherwise I just keep up the destruction. Have to unravel the damage of the last few months and get that sober thinking to become priority.
      Thanks Eloise....appreciate you popping in.
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Hey Daisy...a tiny bit more motivation for you... I lost 20 ponds over the past year.
        I also stopped w sugar after 6 months, I felt I had to because of the cravings or I might start again. It is a lot of work to kick this habit.
        I also started taking LGlut and calm forte while still drinking... And valerian teas. Even in the day.
        Sort of helped me get rolling.
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          Hi y'all,

          Daisy, with me there was/is a big void, an emptiness within that I never knew how to fill or deal with. I have no idea where it comes from or the source of it, but it is there. I used to deal with this big inner unknown with alcohol to numb the huge sense of loneliness and feeling blue. But I have worked out what I need to do to try fill that void with happiness and peace. For me this is going after what makes me most happy and doing it often. And that is making music, creating sounds and spending a small percentage of my time doing things I don't like as much, but need to do to keep the roof over my head. The balance now is tipped heavily in favour of what I enjoy doing. I know if I address that empty void within me in a healthy way doing things I enjoy, I am less inclined to want to turn to booze to change my headspace or get numb. I don't know if any of this relates to you or anyone, but hope you don't mind me sharing a personal angle. I also know and see around here, that it's possible to have a sober revolution going on inside of us no matter what our external environment might be. :happy2:

          Keep raawkin, G.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Daisy please don't be embarrassed! Have you noticed the title of this thread. Let's just help each other ok? One day at a time, Hun.
            MinStar I like reading fiction, mysteries mostly. Something that just "takes" me away. I did try a book club. But the very first book was so bizarre I had nightmares! I'm around this morning if you want to face time.
            I'm so glad that we are all doing this together. The support here is incredible. I personally felt so alone before coming here.


              Totally relate Guitarista....thank you! I have more projects thanI can count lined up. All my creativity goes out the window when drinking. Done my first art project in a while last week. Made me £50. I honestly see how you are thinking and I believe being grateful for every good thing that comes from being sober.
              I will commit to setting an exercise swimming. Was doing almost 3 miles a week....just started back last week.
              I have a lot of people around me but have been single for 15 years....everything falls on me and sometimes it can be a heavy load and feels lonely.
              Thank you have nudged me to up my gameplan!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Thanks Lizann....I am reading a book right now...Marian Keyes, The Woman who Stole my Life. Really good.
                I have to be sober when reading otherwise it is a full chapter reread next day as I forget. Like having to rewatch programmes I view when drinking.......what a waste!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Hi folks, haven't had time to read back but hope all are doing well. I have had a hard week but a good one, just got a job and one that I feel I can do well, just hope I can do it well and give them back as much as they gave me originally, I used to work for them in the past and they would prob know the fact that I had a prob ( who am I kidding) so time for me stop being a self absorbed person, kick myself in the ass and get on with life
                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                    Hi folks, haven't had time to read back but hope all are doing well. I have had a hard week but a good one, just got a job and one that I feel I can do well, just hope I can do it well and give them back as much as they gave me originally, I used to work for them in the past and they would prob know the fact that I had a prob ( who am I kidding) so time for me stop being a self absorbed person, kick myself in the ass and get on with life
                    They knew you had a problem with drinking? Did they help you? Congrats by the way. Have you started yet?


                      Hi guys ~ confession time, went out for a nice dinner and had some wine. Then found myself ladt Friday at the 19th hole after golf, and had a couple. Will admit looking around & saying am I ready to give this up? This is so a part of lifestyle, yet I have friends here who manage to go to all the social events & not imbibe. No excuses, I know.

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                        I have had a hard week but a good one, just got a job and one that I feel I can do well, just hope I can do it well and give them back as much as they gave me originally, I used to work for them in the past and they would prob know the fact that I had a prob ( who am I kidding) so time for me stop being a self absorbed person, kick myself in the ass and get on with life
                        Really glad to hear you got the job Bandit!

                        Addy (All done drinking...yes!)
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

                        God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

                        But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


                          Morning all - another quick check in but I'm trying to stick close and stay accountable.
                          Day 4 of many more....................

                          Have a great day everyone!!!
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Hi all
                            Thank u for the congrats. When I say they knew I had a prob with drinking, it wasn't too bad then. I left of my own choice before things got very bad, mainly because I got married and had moved further away not because they thought the drinking was an issue. However, they would have been aware that I wasn't good with drink, made a fool of myself at many Christmas parties etc.. and they may have heard stuff since. However, they would be the type of organisation that would help, they look after their staff very well so I am delighted to be back, I am not working for exactly the same place but one close by and will be working on and off with some of the same people. I start the week after next.
                            Have a great weekend every one
                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              Hope it all goes well Bandit! Congratulations!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Hi all, hope all have a good weekend, personally on day 1 again, had a shitty up and down week, got very stressed out by the whole job interview thing and then when I got it had a wtf moment and celebrated only to end up totally pissing my husband off and arguing about my drinking in the first place. I know for sure I have to give up totally, I will not screw up this new chance so day 2 for me tomorrow
                                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

