We have no alcohol here but am dreading that the friend will bring some. [/QUOTE]
We were talking about triggers on the "Dedicated to the quit I love thread" and I can definitely see someone bringing AL to your home as a HUGE trigger for me. Actually I had just quit drinking (it was day 1!) when we got together with friends on vacay who are BIG drinkers. Everyone was drinking a lot around me and it was easy to say no that day as the quit was so new and I still was carrying all of that remorse and shame, but as time goes on and we get our selective memory back "I wasn't that bad"..."I could probably be ok just having one" we can get into trouble. If you have a comfort level to share with your old friend that you have quit, I would do that so they are not trying to talk you into having one with them. I would also pick up something you like to drink that is non-al. Some folks won't agree with this but it works for me to have sparklng soda with grenadine and lime in a wine glass. Makes me feel I have a drink too and am part of the social group. Read some threads from long term AFers to stay strong. Good luck.
Addy (All Done Drinking...Yes!)