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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Bri and are inspiring me to do some art!
    Lizann, I went to the gym today, pushed along by my daughter, but once that was done I felt so good I went for a long swim. I do need a kick in the ass to get out but am always happy I did.
    Good to hear you are doing well Open Halo.....I have been having problems with internet at home. You done good.
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      You should totally do it Daisy!

      So Nora, I went out to Indigo today and Michael's...I picked up Enchanted Forest colouring book...and some Sakura gel pens and colourful crayola markers! I had a 40% coupon at Michaels' so that worked out in my favour. I am definitely excited to get started!

      Well, Saturday's are always a struggle for me. This is my second Saturday though and no company and not AS HARD as last week...but...the thought is there...the anxiety has been under the radar and I am supremely grateful for that.
      I am making a chicken barley stew (in +35C weather!!!) and will keep busy...
      Will start colouring and stick close to here.

      Welcome back Halo! And congrats on the AF time!
      Lizann! How is pool lounging going?


        Bri - YAHOO!!!!!:welldone::notepad: I think I need to get my coloring stuff out too. It's been awhile but I love it.

        I agree with Saturday's being a struggle. Glad that the anxiety has eased up some.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, but i'm with all of you on the exercise bit and anything that keeps us busy and away from AL. Think of all the beautiful art everyone is going to have as well! Always thought of taking up knitting, might just try it this fall! I'm sure your stew is delicious bri!


            It was pretty tasty, OH!! But a little too salty. But I still ate two bowls.
            Knitting is such a great idea. My Mom makes the most beautiful infinity scarves...she's coming down this Fall from the US, maybe I can get her to teach me (actually teach me this time as in the past I was always half in the bag) how to knit as well. Great idea.


              Oh! Lizann! I am sorry, I didn't answer your other question you had asked of me earlier.
              I am taking natural medicine in school. But am having a bit of difficult with remembering all of the anatomy and physiology subject. So think the colouring book would be an awesome idea.


                I never did get around to coloring, maybe tomorrow, you guys sound so excited about. I'm glad. I too struggle with Saturdays especially when I have nothing to do. Sissy came over and we chatted and read whilst in our pool loungers. Just water to drink and some mangos to munch on. Hubby hung out with us a bit too. Did manage to get a run in on the treadmill as it was too hot to walk outside. Hubby and I decided to go see a movie which we haven't done in ages. Turned out to be a good day.
                Bri, I had difficulty remembering anatomy too. The soup sounds yummy. I happen to like salty!
                OH, for the record I can't draw a straight line either. I guess that's why I like coloring.


                  I used to love drawing/doodling growing up...and then, I became an adult and life happened! Lol...and alcohol. :/ Not lol...
                  I am pretty behind with school right now. I am beginning to feel overwhelmed, it's so hard to focus on things sometimes when you're trying to not only deal with anxiety but all the underlying issues too...there are nights where I can't be bothered doing anything except stick close to hear, read and try to relax...which is OK...but then nights like this I look back on what my goals were a week ago today...and school was a priority and yet I didn't touch it. Sigh.

                  I am glad that you had a great day Lizann. It sounds pretty relaxing...what movie did you and your hubby see?


                    My sister that has 2 years sober has these great very detailed coloring books and she gave me page out of one of them that I was suppose to start weeks tomorrow I will be coloring with you guys!


                      Oh - goodie - more people coloring.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        This mornings project during the church service. Bad right? I was listening! Anyway very relaxing. Yes blue join us. I am going in search of my anatomy coloring book


                          That looks great Lizann! I haven't even started! I am just sitting down to some salad with shrimps, going to watch a movie, have a bath and then colour in bed before I go to sleep...dreading the work day. This weekend wasn't too shabby...there were some cravings...and the anxiety was fairly quiet...afraid of tomorrow though. :/ But gotta keep positive. Where did the weekend go anyway? It flew by.


                            I agree the weekend flew by!!!

                            Hubby & I colored today and it was fun. I colored in my Hansel & Gretel color-by-number book from my childhood!
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Howdy everyone! You're all doing amazing! I just saw this and realized it was to important not to share...

                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Thanks cowboy!

                                This coloring thing is just too funny! Aren't we just a bunch of peas in a pod. Whatever, it was a good weekend.

