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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Nora, you're doing great!:welldone:


      Here's to an AF weekend! We can do this!!


        Every Saturday. Like damn clockwork. Wake up feeling hungover. But it's not a hangover. What gives?!?
        ( ugh I can't catch a break! Lol. At least it doesn't happen when I have to go to work but am feeling just as miserable as last weekend again. Bleh.


          Feel better bri, have a nice cup of tea in bed before you start your day. :hug:


            Thanks OH. I definitely did. Now, I've been cleaning even though I feel like poop. Someone has to clean this barnyard!! Lol.
            Hope everyone else is having a nice day.


              Bri are you sleeping later? I know if I sleep too late I get a headache. Did you eat something funky last night? Hope you're feeling better!
              Managed to keep myself busy today. I had a really good day. Flea market was a lot of fun.
              How's everyone else doing?


                Bri, hope you feeling better.
                Thanks guys. On day 2 and so fecking determined to get this done once and for all.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Not sure what happened yesterday. Feeling better today though. Maybe it was the weather? I didn't sleep in and slept well and I didn't eat anything funny either. Maybe it's PAWS?? Who knows.

                  I'm struggling a lot with my anxiety this week and over the weekend. Usually weekends I get a reprieve but not this time.
                  Man oh man. Sometimes I just wish.....
                  I wish I didn't have to deal with all this shit.

                  However. Going to try and make the best of it. Try and keep busy.


                    Quick check in tonight. Went hiking today and I'm tired, a good tired. Off to watch some football.


                      A good tired is the best tired... have a wonderful week everybody.


                        Bri just wondering how you are doing? I guess this thread is dying out. Where you guys all hang out now?


                          "First Week of Your Umpteenth Quit" hmmm, personally, I'm not too sure about the name, does it invite us to not worry about how many times we slip/relapse? Just some food for thought....

                          I see most of us who were on this thread have moved away from it for whatever reason, so a question for all. What kind of thread would you like? A mix of daily life along with recovery? A strictly recovery thread? Or maybe a thread not recovery based at all? You all know me by now, I'll grab the bull by the horns and start a thread and contribute if it's something that will be meaningful to everyone. So come on, give me your ideas and suggestions, lets get something going that helps everyone!
                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            I personally like a mix - daily 'life' thread but also a place to come and talk about AL. I really love this thread becase the people on here are at the same place. Been here, done that, didn't work and now trying again. Or should I say that I didn't work it and am now trying again.
                            It's really nice to have a place to post where everyone understands!
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              I don't always post but I read just about everyday....this thread encourages me to keep working on my goals...


                                Hey Lizann - I am here. Check in every day. The boards in general have been a little quiet.
                                Was a bit of a tough week but hanging in there.
                                Still sober, of course.
                                Yes. This thread is dying out. Let's revive it again!! I like a mix of everything too. Exactly what it was doing before to be honest. Doesn't necessarily need to change.
                                So I agree with Nora.

                                Day 40-something for me now.
                                Cleaning my house like a mad woman.
                                Fall is vastly approaching. That's when I slipped up last year. I don't know why. Holidays? My favorite cider? What a crock. I know we can do this.
                                On another note I have lost 16lbs. Ish. Will need to post that on the other thread too.

                                Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Or start to their weekend.


