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Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

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    Hi Salem, Thank you for sharing your story, I'm sorry you are suffering so badly at the moment & indeed it sounds like for a long time.
    To compound your difficulties & struggles with it alcohol from what you've said it sounds as if your ex husband is being emotionally abusive toward you by not accepting responsibility for his actions & being dishonest with your children which I can imagine feels very hurtful when you worked so hard to hold your family together when he was struggling.

    You sound like you have overcome many challenges & are very stong & brave. Perhaps it's a time to put yourself first & foremost because you deserve to be happy and healthy.

    I really hope you can access real life support & as Ava & Daisy said, come join in on the newbies nest thread, it is a very supportive thread for people who are just starting out ☺
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.


      Hi Salem
      I'm so sorry for your situation. I hope that you'll be able to do the medical detox. You need to start there first. And you must put yourself first. As hard as it is to believe, you can eventually have a life that you're proud of, kids who will trust you, and you will love yourself. It takes one day at a time, one step at a time. We are in the nest and there's so much love and support there. Please fly on over there.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        SalemWillows... I sent you a PM. Click notifications/inbox to read. :hug:


          Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

          I grew up with alcoholic parents. Alcohol is a way of life where I's everywhere, all the time. The grocery stores carry excellent wine. I always thought that I could control my drinking, but I cannot if I drink on any sort of regular basis. So now I plan to ask for either nothing to drink or for water with a lemon or lime slice when we/I go to any sort of party or celebration. I carry non-alcoholic beer to our best friends' house when we go there for supper. I've tried the non-alcoholic wines, but so far, all are way too sweet. I did find a pear tea that is a lovely substitute (iced) for wine. The weather here does not get extremely cold, so I drink iced tea often, but they sure don't serve it at parties.
          We are going out of town soon and to a big wedding, but I will not ask for that glass (that magically turns into 5 or 6) of wine. I have lots of girlfriends (with great figures) who do not drink and I want to lose weight and carry on without the alcohol. My husband is a heavy drinker, but wants to help me.
          Keep it up, Sober Soul...I have taken up knitting to keep my hands busy. It helps, as do audio books to help me get to sleep.
          Try and try and try again and just take a day at a time.


            Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

            [MENTION=5639]readytotry[/MENTION], I find taking AF beer to parties or dinners helps me too, as I don’t like to have too many sweet drinks. Lately I’ve tried de-alcoholized wines, but I agree that they can be too sweet. [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] knits to keep her hands busy too!
            Best of luck to you, and we would love to have you join in here.
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

              I am in my 15th Day 1 and was exactly in your shoes 433 days ago and had to finally get real and stop. What I also realized was, like you, that past traumas from my childhood were haunting me and driving how I reacted to anxiety and stress in my adult life where alcohol made all things emotionally challenging better. I had to learn techniques for dealing with past and current traumas in healthy ways free of drugs and alcohol. I tell everyone who is struggling to write it all down. Writing serves as a record you can turn to so you can review what you once thought was working and when it doesn't it is infinitely easier to learn from your mistakes. I have a journal here I started in 2008 that has all 15 of my day ones and being able to read about my successes and failures has helped immensely for me to finally get 14 months sober. Best wishes!
              Is Addiction Really a Disease?
              Watch this and find out....


                Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                I'm right there with you. I get months and even years without a drink and then life hands me more stress than I can take. I give in and drink and the next day the stress is still there but so much bigger because I fell into to trap of temporary wanting to feel better. Sadly it works for a day or two but then.....NOT!


                  Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                  I could surely want some friends who are using tools to stay sober throughout the holiday season. Baclofen has been a friend before and I just ordered some as a backup plan. I guess I shouldn't count on a pill but will feel safer knowing I have some.


                    Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                    Old trauma drama has been my downfall in the past. I am so tired of letting those things control my future. I am trying to keep my eyes on the prize of long term sobriety.


                      Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                      Hi everyone - count me in. Like all of you, I've been here forever and had numerous quits. My longest was last year for 3 months and I felt fantastic - got complacent.


                        Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                        Good to have y'all onboard. You can always join Newbies Nest Rollcall if you want to keep track of your days:


                          Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                          Day 4 of first week of "umpteenth" quit here! Ugh. This never ends. Abstain for a period, do well for a period, then everything breaks down to drinking waaaayy too much waaaayy too often. So here I am again. For anyone (like I have) trying to fool themselves that this can get under control. Don't be fooled.
                          Last edited by frances; March 5, 2022, 10:26 AM.


                            Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                            Frances!! Glad to see you back! I appreciate your insight. We all end up having to make that realization at some point, and quit trying to drink moderately.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Great to have you back [MENTION=7263]frances[/MENTION]! There are a few busy threads left here on MWO so you can join one of them or try and resurrect this one!
                              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                                Re: Anyone in the First Week of Their Unpteenth Quit?

                                Thanks for the welcome back - I made it through the first week - hurray!

                                I keep thinking how being a "functioning" alcoholic has been a very large part of why I keep fooling myself. I've been reading other posts today about the progressive nature of this disease. I always shock myself when I start to get into this mode of starting drinking earlier and earlier in the day, etc. - that's what brought me back here yet again. I'm hopeful I can do better.

