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Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

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    Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

    Hello All:

    Working on Day Four and wanted to finally post and say hello. Just reading the posts has been an inspiration and given me the push to get moving with MWO.

    Still drinking, but sooo much less. From a 1.5 litre bottle of wine a night--EVERY night---to one or two glasses a night if that. I'm not sure that I had a "craving" but definitely had the 5:00 pm "All Aboard for the Dark Side" thing going strong. As I said to my husband this morning, it's as though I now have a switch in my head that says "Enough." That switch never existed before. Really amazing. Stranger still, I'm walking in the morning! You're looking at a girl that would drive to bed if I could only get the car through the front door! And I'm loving it. I do feel uhm...odd, like something's different, but it is, isn't it? Me. So it will take a while to get used to not being hungover all the time. That's something I can work for.

    I'm dosing up on Topamax, currently on week one at 25mg and doing all of the supplements. Some gas issues, but I figure they'll work themselves out over the weeks to come and I'm taking/eating Activa and probiotics. Like others, I'm having a hard time finding the private time for the CDs, but as I've been on vacation (and I've a 4-year old in needy time right now---understandable as Mom's changing), I figure I'll take my lunch hour at the local library and plug in there. The subliminal I can do in my office.

    Gotta close. Little Bit's up and about. Glad to be here!


    Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

    Welcome aboard, Gloria! Glad to see you here and posting! Sounds like you are doing really terrific already. I think you'll find the MWO crew supportive and helpful. Glad that you joined us on your journey into your new life!!

    Best wishes!


      Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

      Welcome!!! Isn't it amazing how much better life feels not hung over??
      What a gift you are giving your Little Bit - a mom who will be able to be present and whole! Good job!!!!!!!!!
      Keep going,


        Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

        Hi Gloria! Welcome aboard! And what a wonderful time to be feeling INDEPENDENT!!:happy ...Glad to have ya with us... :d Judie


          Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

          hi gloria and welcome!

          this place has really helped me out so keep coming back eh, and good going.

          best wishes. lee.


            Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

            Hi Gloria-

            Happy 4th to you too.
            28 days ago I decided I needed to stop drinking a bottle of wine every night...absolutely every night whether I planned it or not - usually I did plan it. It took me awhile to realize I was never skipping a day of drinking.
            Then I thought, well, I'll just cut down or skip a day here or there. Somehow that didn't really work for me. It never seemed to be the 'skip' day. After a day off - which included drinking the entire day- I decided that I not only had a problem but I might need some help and encouragement - and I happened on this site. It has been great for me. I have been abstinent since then - working on 30 days now - 2 to go.
            I have enjoyed waking up without a hangover. I also have been adding up how much I'm saving...assuming at least a 10.00 bottle every night that's 280.00 so far!
            All those things help. Whenever I start giving myself permission to drink - bad day or 'well for gosh sakes I've been abs for 28 days..' or whatever- I just come to this site and read a few postings and I remember why I don't want to drink.
            I'm hoping I can be a social drinker - moderate drinker- at some point but right now abs is the thing for me-and it has been good for me - not always easy, but very good.
            You have a lot of support here. Good luck! and glad you are here.


              Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

              Thanks much, Kathy. Yes, it's really wonderful here.



                Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                Hi Peggy,

                I think what pushed me over the edge was when Juju said as I was struggling through another morning thinking "This is not how I want to live." was "Momma, I want to be just like you." Man, if that's not a wake up call.

                Glad to be here and thanks for the welcome,



                  Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                  Thanks, Jude!


                    Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                    Hey, Lee

                    I read your earlier posts and YOU'RE an real inspiration! Glad you're here to chat with.

                    Look forward to chatting more but Little Bit calls....

                    All the best,



                      Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                      Hello Lisa:

                      I'm figuring, quick calculations that I'm $42 ahead just in the last three days. Can you believe it? Yes, that's a 1.5 litre bottle a night at 14.25 with tax. This being a four-day weekend and I could easily have doubled that. Youch! And, no hangover. No wondering what the hell I said to whom.... So glad that's over.

                      Well, I was at the neighbor's party all day today and did four bottles...water that is! Had one glass of wine tonight and it's out on the deck in the rain. Man, how different from having it permanently attached to my hand (or finding three or four around the house in the morning). I'm looking forward to better days. Tomorrow, back to work/stress and all that entails has me a tad worried, but not much. Just keep breathing deep and drinking yet more water. (My liver might be lovin' this but my kidneys are about to go on strike! Ha!)

                      I'm so proud for you. You're doing great and I really appreciate your post.

                      Take care,



                        Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                        Welcome Gloria! Maaaan, day 4 for you on the 4th of July... what a perfect day for you to make your first post here... Independence Day! Enjoy your new found FREEDOM...


                          Newbie signing in---Happy Independence Day

                          Hi Gloria.
                          Day 4:happy . You sound happy.I agree with the odd feeling. First few days i kept thinking how strange is this.Its hard to explain but i know what you mean.Anyway its wearing off now.Day nine for me here and going strong.I'm going for abs for a few months as i know mod wouldn't work for me for a while.What ever way you go with this program you'll find the support you need.Its great.

