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    New here.

    Hi I have just discovered this site. I live in Greece and i drink 3 pints of lager per day. I do not know if its much or not but i know i have to cut down. 2nd day in a row today without pint which I haven't done for a very long time. We'll see. I hope I' ll be in touch only having good news. Thanx:new:

    New here.

    Hi Thalassa

    Welcome to MWO.

    I don't personally think that 3 pints is a lot (but maybe that's because I don't know when to stop), however you feel concerned about it and that is what matters. It's not how much you drink it's when you feel you need to cut down. Whatever you wish to achieve, whether it is to cut down or abstain you will find a lot of support here.

    If you are trying to moderate then it might be helpful to be AF for days. I'm assuming you drink in the evenings, if so then you may find that you will need to change your routine.

    Anyways, I hope to hear more from you.

    All the best. Love Mandy x


      New here.

      Welcome and good job on cutting back. It all starts with one drink and progresses so to be aware of that is key.

      Read the book and the posts for tools and encouragement..
      Control the Mind


        New here.

        Welcome Thalassa, Hope you find what you need here. Bella xx


          New here.

          Sounds like you are off to a great start with a great attitude! Are you ordering or purchasing the supplements as well? They really, really help stave off the desire to drink so much and make your decision to work on yourself much easier than going it on willpower alone. Hope you can read the book and implement all the tools you can to help you.

          Welcome, and I'm jealous that you live in Greece! I've always wanted to live there....

          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            New here.

            Hello Thalassa, I agree with Lotus, three pints doesn't seem to be excessive, but then again we all have our different ideals, standards, and objectives. I'm sure you'll find all the friendly support that you seek right here - welcome and good luck. It must be lovely to live in Greece. A.G.


              New here.

              Welcome and you are in a good supporting spot....we are here for you


                New here.

                Hi Thalassa,

                3 Pints does not sound like a huge amount to me, although it depends on whether you are male or female, height and weight etc. It also depends on why you are drinking? To relax, forget things or to socialise, or other reasons....
                The fact that you have come to a site that deals with problem drinking says that in some way 3 pints a day isn't working for you.
                Well done for having some days off from your normal pints.
                Take care

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  New here.

                  Some worries

                  Thank you all for your kind replies. I assume wherever anyone lives wishes to be somewhere else. Believe me it's not so fun living in Greece. Everyday life is not what you see in the ads (sea, sun and many smiles). That's, in a way, "justifies" the need for a drink. I had been living in England for 4 years back 12 years ago (studying) and I think all started there. Any way, third day in a row without a pint but I dont think wiil last much. Its not that i miss the alcohol nor do I have cravings,is just that I "like drinking". I like sitting on my couch watching tv and drinking or reading and drinking.Do you understand what I mean? My worries are for all the doctors saying that smoking and drinking (yes I smoke) is very dangerous for health and can lead to some type of cancers.Thats the reason i want to cut down. Any advice pls? Thanx in advance.

                  Best regards
                  :l :l :l :l


                    New here.

                    I have to agree with some of the others, 3 pints sounds like moderation , I would drink about 3 -4 pints most nights and on saturdays drink about 7 or 8 and some wine ,its terrible! fridays and sundays I would drink about 5. However it can very easily increase so your right to keep an eye on it ,very good luck to you.


                      New here.

                      Congrats on day 3.

                      (I too enjoy my cigarettes, more so when I'm having a drink).

                      You should speak to your doctor about your worries about drinking and smoking and see if there is any help/support groups to help you quit or cut down smoking.

                      I suggest that maybe you change your routine. Go out with friends for a coffee, join an evening class, exercise, basically something to break that habit. You could say to yourself you will not drink during the weekdays and drink only weekends. Or try to alternate the days you do drink. Maybe you could swap your beer for non-alcoholic.

                      Keep us posted. All the best.
                      Love Mandy x


                        New here.

                        Thank you very much Lotus for your reply. But I have to be at home in the evenings because i am a mother of a 4 years old baby. Secondly, my dear Lotus, this is Greece. Not England. We do not have support groups in order to quit smoking. You have to pay a lot in order to go privately. Finally I have thought about non alcoholic beer but I can find these only in big s/m an not in a corner shop by my house where i can easily buy by wonderful lagers. Love


                          New here.

                          Hello again Thalassa, I was just reading through the replies to your post again and wondered whether you were using the beers to relax because you are drinking alongside other relaxing activities such as watching television and reading.
                          Maybe it is just that you are needing to find a different way to relax such as exercise or meditation?
                          What do you think?
                          By the way, I have just come back from spending the weekend with a couple who have a 18month old and a four year old and I feel like I need to find a way to relax (and the children were not even my children).
                          So maybe you are just a little stressed and you are using drinking to unwind.

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            New here.

                            My dear Amelia,

                            The truth is I do not know why I am drinking. I used to use alcohol as a way to get out of depression. (I was diagnosed as having a mild depression). Now i don't feel depressed but i am so used to drinking that it seems i cannot break (at least easily) that habbit. Do you know any good books on meditation that you can suggest? thanx:thanks:


                              New here.

                              Hi Thalassa & welcome, you have come to the right place,

                              Well done on your 3 days, that is excellent.

                              You CAN do this ...

                              BB xx

