Cheeses JC! That's a shiteload of money :l
:hallo: Army. Never managed to doze off again, but I'm happy to say that the weekly shop is done and niece taken back to res. She's writing a test tomorrow and wanted a quieter environment / less distractions.
And Crookshanks is emerging from isolation: she's venturing into the rest of the house and garden. The other cats aren't aggressive at all, so it should be OK once she gets a bit more confidence. Jasmine has already accepted her position at the bottom of the pecking order and defers to the newcomer.
Dreamy: the wedding was a lunch only. The late night was a result of a so-called trophy push in Clash of Clans. I managed to get into the Crystal League. Life-changing, I tell you
Hope you can get the kidney infection sorted ASAP, Molls. Mum is prone to them and its clearly not lekker to go through it all. Especially the side effects of the antibiotics.