Thank god yesterday is over, i so hate that feeling. Well here goes day2 feeling pretty positive about it all, must be all you wonderful people cheering me on, feels amazing to hop on hear and there are so many messages of encoragment, can not really give any myself yet just read and remember the times i have felt the same.
I know some people thought involving my children would be bad if i feel off, but i have already disappointed them may times and iam hopeing this will make me more determind to keep going, i told them already there might be setbacks, so they are prepared, my daughter said the chilli peppers gave up, i said yeah maybe i should go out with Anthony Keitos (i wish).
Have to go to work and learn a new job today (thank god it wasnt yesterday) Its freezing here today i hate winter, have to start chopping wood for the fire soon, anyway my new found friends, have a great day and rejoice in our sobriety.
chilli xxxx