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For Pepper - getting past 61!

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    For Pepper - getting past 61!

    Peppersnow helped me recently and asked if I would return the favor and, when I got to this point, post what it feels like to get past day 61 since neither of us had been there before. Pepper – I am on day 63 now and it is great! I am definitely stronger. I love waking up clear. My eyes look clear. My head is clear. I am not tired at work. I don’t eat junky food on my way to work to try to soak up the alcohol so I will feel better. I don’t stop for a drink on my way home from work because I can’t wait to get home before I have a drink. I don’t wonder and worry about who saw me going in or out of the liquor store on any given day. I don’t worry that my kids will find my little bottle of wine in my purse. I don’t have to hide my wine glass from my daughter and her friends when they are over. I am saving tons of money! My body is healthier and I am happier.

    I have to admit that over the weekend when I hit day 60 and 61 it was pretty tough because I was socializing with a lot of drinkers. I logged on here and managed to get through it. But in general, not drinking is really starting to feel normal. It is so strange to me I can hardly believe that I am not constantly thinking about having a drink. It rarely crosses my mind now. At this point that little voice is only coming around in stressful or social situations. Luckily so far, those situations haven’t happened much. I now look forward to a nice cup of tea when I get home from work, instead of heading straight for the wine after walking in the door. I have been on MWO since 2008. Early on, I wanted to try to moderate. Whenever I have quit over the past few years it has been for a defined time frame (first time 30 days; second time 45 days during lent a couple of years ago) after which I would try moderating. That was my goal and I never thought I couldn’t moderate. Turns out, I couldn’t. (big surprise).

    The difference for me this time is that I have not set any time frame for this – this time I have not told myself that after x days I will allow myself to drink again. That door is not open. I still have not said that I will never drink again, I am taking it one day at a time – but at this point I do not believe I can change my drinking habits and I know that if I drink again I will wind up right where I started. So I’m not going to do that! I don't drink anymore! (that is one thing I need to get used to saying). I do wonder when things will change and I will just be comfortable saying "I don't drink" - and know that this is truly the new me. I'll keep you posted on how my mindset changes over time - I'd love to hear other's experience with that. Byrdie told me that she believes the key is acceptance and I definitely think that is right. I am still working on that but I am way closer now than I have ever been!

    At this point I’m looking forward to hearing from Kairos when she returns from her trek – we are only a day apart and she was very supportive of me early on. So that will be around 80-90 days I think. After that, I’m looking forward to getting past 100 days, a year – more!

    I know that I’m not missing anything and when I tell myself ‘if only one why not none’ or ‘if only today why not never’ that really helps me realize that AL won’t do anything for me.

    Stay strong everyone - this place is incredible and I know I would not be here AF at day 63 without MWO and all the fantastic support!

    For Pepper - getting past 61!

    You sound fantastic, Frances!

    I don't think acceptance can be forced but you seem to be doing all of the things to prepare yourself for it to come to you. It came to me that I was fine with the idea of never drinking again - in fact I was very happy and relieved! - one day when I was posting here. It just hit me that I sounded like a person who has no interest in ever drinking again. And that's what I am .


      For Pepper - getting past 61!

      Wow, Frances, would you consider putting that post in the Tool Box? What a wonderful account of your journey! I am so happy for you! Well done!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        For Pepper - getting past 61!

        Frances i love following your journey, you get stronger and stronger everyday. Its great that we start to feel emotions instead of blocking them out with al. Moderating, yeah right! I too always thought i could get back to moderating, as if that works for alcoholics. Just like other addicts, they cant have that first snort, tablet, whatever. But at the end of the day, thats okay, we are doing this one day at a time and i am so happy for you that you are near that happy place.

        Like NS i dont drink anymore, i cant and i wont. When i was on holidays i said to a waiter that i dont drink al and then i had to look behind me to see who said that! Oh it was me.

        Keep doing what you are doing.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          For Pepper - getting past 61!

          Thx Frances. Nice post.

          Keep it going.

          G bloke.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            For Pepper - getting past 61!

            Wow, what a great post! That's so wonderful!!!!! You're not missing anything, but sure are gaining a fulfilling life!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              For Pepper - getting past 61!

              Wow, Frances! Congrats! Just the kind of post I needed to read today...So glad you are feeling so happy and healthy, must be great to be so in control of yourself


                For Pepper - getting past 61!

                Good job Frances. You sound wonderful.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  For Pepper - getting past 61!

                  Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself. I'm sure you had a few hurdles to get over in getting here.

                  Thank you so much for what will be one of self-talk mantras..."if one, why not none"....seriously, one, two, three drinks, I barely feel, well they do make me feel....They make me feel like I want MORE!

                  I can't wait to be in your shoes.


                    For Pepper - getting past 61!

                    Great post, thank you for sharing.
                    I also dream of 100 days, one year etc. I can only commit to one day at a time, and never still makes me nervous. I too feel that some habits have been broken and there is a different focus for me, which is a relief.
                    You sum up things very well - I look forward to congratulating you on your 100 days!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      For Pepper - getting past 61!

                      Congratulations on the new territory, sounds like you are really recognising and appreciating the rewards.
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        For Pepper - getting past 61!

                        Congratulations on the new territory, sounds like you are really recognising and appreciating the rewards.
                        I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                        Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                        AF date 22/07/13


                          For Pepper - getting past 61!

                          Sorry, darn internet!
                          I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                          Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                          AF date 22/07/13

