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Underoo's Magical May

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    Underoo's Magical May

    byebyebridgetjones;1660778 wrote: It's toona fish to you Miss Thing.

    Raggsy I really feel for you, There is nothing more demoralising and abrasive than chronic pain. Is drinking helping? I would just be a bit worried about drug interactions, that's all. And if your pain control is not up to scratch, would it be more productive to review that instead of hitting the piss? NO
    judgement btw. I've had long term pain, and it's devastating.

    Good morning Bridgey,
    You are right. It is toona fish. :H

    Yeah, the drinking has helped me get to sleep, but last night when I hit the piss I said enough.
    Otherwise I'll just slip back to the drunken depths it took me ages to crawl out of.
    The alcohol enhances the endone a bit, but not worth it if I'm going to revert to alcoholic haze.
    Listened to a guy on ABC radio on Tuesday. Alcohol related deaths number over 3 million people a year.
    .What is a bummer is if I am going to drive, I can't take the endone.

    See the pain guy tomorrow at 9 am.

    Gawd I hate typing on the lappie without a mouse.


      Underoo's Magical May

      byebyebridgetjones;1660781 wrote: Also, Tony Abbott is looking a bit yellow around the gills and hepatic this morning. Do you reckon he's hitting the piss????


        Underoo's Magical May

        Been awake since 3:40. Am buggered.
        Taking the car to get it washed and cleaned, and then dragging my haggard self to get my driving licence renewed. Dread what the ID pic will look like.
        See you all later.


          Underoo's Magical May

          There was also a story about alcohol related deaths on The Project last night. 5.6% of deaths annually??? Accidents, incidents and 200 related health disorders.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoo's Magical May

            Morning all. A pristine morn here, complete with neighbours dogs barking frantically as they do sheep work, and the gigantic buzz saw as the shire blokes trim trees. Ah the bliss.

            Just had a cute young guy drive in to check poles in my paddocks, with me looking superb in my fluffy pink dressing gown and wrapped in a yellow rug!!! Impressive.

            Ragsy, hugs my friend. Go easy on yourself. Continuous pain is exhausting. I know what you're going through.

            Does anyone else reckon The Big Bang Theory's dialogue is incredibly witty and clever?

            Surely the yanks know that tuna is a fish, so why double up? It's like saying lamb lamb.
            And as for Kermit, i used to love the Muppets as a kid. Kermit was my favourite.

            Right, better get dressed before young cute guy returns!!!


              Underoo's Magical May

              Rags;1660777 wrote:
              Missy, do you want the loaf tin?

              Yes please! And I'm definitely on for coffee next Tuesday.

              Take care Raggsy.

              And :wavin: to all other undies.

              I'm zooming through ....... finalising a huge report for an Agency that was disestablished last night so no room to move on the deadline. I'll be workng all hours until 30 June.
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoo's Magical May

                coriander;1660823 wrote:

                Does anyone else reckon The Big Bang Theory's dialogue is incredibly witty and clever?
                Definitely!! My favourite programme!!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoo's Magical May

                  Rags, i feel for you. I dread the pain of arthritis i will no doubt suffer in time, you keep your chin up and we will see you Friday night. I will wear me new glasses for ya

                  in other news.... hi gang.
                  AF since 10/26/2009

                  It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                    Underoo's Magical May

                    Good afternoon Undergarments! Just about to poach some bum nuts and have them with buttered Turkish bread. If I have one more person tell me what I should be eating I am going to stick said bum nuts up their nostrils.


                    Hang in Rags x


                      Underoo's Magical May

                      Oh...anyone ever make ghee? just wondering, don't give me a diet sheet on it.


                        Underoo's Magical May

                        myhappyplace;1660876 wrote: Oh...anyone ever make ghee? just wondering, don't give me a diet sheet on it.
                        No but I've seen it sold in the Middle Eastern grocer...

                        Ah yes, the diet 'advisors'...I had a lady tell me off for having a cup of Earl Grey when I was pregnant. I just looked at her & said "if you had ANY idea of the things I've given up recently you would shut the fusk up right now & let me enjoy my cup of tea". Her intentions were good but....
                        Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


                          Underoo's Magical May

                          Arvo Undies,

                          Well I just made a lovely piece of pan fried salmon fish on a bed of mashed potato tuber with a side of spinach vegetable sprinkled with a bee's dick of nutmeg spice. It was good. I ate most of it.

                          Happs - I've made ghee in the past. Easy-peasy. I don't remember using the bay leaf but

                          How to make ghee or clarified butter - Making Ghee

                          Geez Rags, I hope you can get your pain issue dealt with pronto.


                            Underoo's Magical May

                            [quote]coriander;1660823 wrote:

                            Ragsy, hugs my friend. Go easy on yourself. Continuous pain is exhausting. I know what you're going through.

                            Does anyone else reckon The Big Bang Theory's dialogue is incredibly witty and clever?

                            Surely the yanks know that tuna is a fish, so why double up? It's like saying lamb lamb.
                            And as for Kermit, i used to love the Muppets as a kid. Kermit was my favourite.


                            Hello Corrie.
                            Little Dr. report a bit further down.
                            I like BBT but it's getting a bit jaded and repetitive so I only watch it occasionally. Was an avid fan till about a year ago.
                            lamb lamb :H

                            But why would you call a baby tawny frogmouth Kermit other than trying to be punny ???

                            Originally posted by Miss Behaving View Post
                            Yes please! And I'm definitely on for coffee next Tuesday.

                            Take care Raggsy.

                            Okie doke. Will stay overnight at Nambucca Heads on my way back down so should hit Sydney about 3 ish. Have packed the loaf tin.

                            aspman;1660838 wrote:
                            Originally posted by Miss Behaving View Post
                            . I will wear me new glasses for ya

                            Woo woo woo
                            I just booked dinner for one at the Jetty for 6:15 so I should be out by 7:30.


                              Underoo's Magical May

                              tawnyfrog;1660883 wrote: Arvo Undies,

                              Well I just made a lovely piece of pan fried salmon fish on a bed of mashed potato tuber with a side of spinach vegetable sprinkled with a bee's dick of nutmeg spice. It was good. I ate most of it.

                              Happs - I've made ghee in the past. Easy-peasy. I don't remember using the bay leaf but

                              How to make ghee or clarified butter - Making Ghee

                              Geez Rags, I hope you can get your pain issue dealt with pronto.
                              Speaking of food, I bought one of these a couple of days ago. Absobloodylutely brilliant. I thought Teflon was pretty good but this is brilliant.

                              And if you haven't tried this yet, you're missing out...


                                Underoo's Magical May

                                It's all about me Raggsy Report.
                                Had some blood tests late last week.
                                Saw my regular lovely doctor this morning and she had the results.
                                Am awfully low in vitamin B so she organised a script for 3 injections as she said my stomach wouldn't absorb tabbies.
                                My vitamin D is also at an all time low and my cholesterol has shot up.
                                BUT, the very very good news was that my liver function is good.
                                So, no more self medication with alcohol for Raggsy.
                                She gave me some syringes and said Mr Rags could give me the injections.

                                I go to chemist, get the B12, go to local dental surgery and ask if Dr Rags would give me an injection in between his other patients.
                                He said OK .
                                Looked at the needle which had a fairly big bore and said
                                "My sweet lovely Raggsy, this is going to hurt,
                                I think we both better sit down to do this."

                                He did the deed, and afterwards I looked lovingly into his eyes and said.
                                " Oh Mr Rags, that was such a small prick I didn't even feel it"

