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Underoo's Magical May

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    Underoo's Magical May

    Morning Undiez!! Welcome back Missy!! And yes, I'm missing Reg a lot too...get here now Vege!!! No pressure I'd still be up for a crockpot challenge too though. And Masterchef starts next week, hopefully this lot can cook and aren't just a bunch of wankers.

    See the oncologist in 2 weeks Missy. So that's when the chemo plan is put together.

    In bed snuggling with an herbal. Lamp is doing the soccer run. Animals all feral. Business as usual.


      Underoo's Magical May

      Ello wonderful undies one and all. I've just returned from a life changing holiday. Plan to stay in touch better and have ordered a laptop so should be easier once that arrives.
      Much love to all while I read back a bit. Have loads of catching up to do. Happy May!


        Underoo's Magical May

        Morning Undies.
        Where did this life changing holiday take place Ficks? Good to see you BTW!
        Formerly Angelcakes, new name, new attitude.


          Underoo's Magical May

          Morning Undies,

          Geesh ... I'm going to have to start an Undie diary and actually write things down. Of course you told us you were going to Broome, Missy. I have a mind like a ... what's that thing the water runs through?

          Good to see you, Ficks. Yes - spill re life changing holidday.


            Underoo's Magical May

            Morning fundies. Where the naff is reggie.
            Re the birdy, so far so good has spent both nights snoozing on my collar bone. So only getting patchy sleep! I'm calling the birdy Noodle. I like weird names for my birds. I have a classic photo of him, if anyone cares to let me know an email I can send if you'd be so kind to put it up for me. Photo bucket apparently doesn't like me.
            Aspy, how cute is that rotti pup!! Is it yours now?


              Underoo's Magical May

              Glassy - I just saw your youtube link on that other thread. Hysterical! I think we should keep this little number handy. I'm sure we'll find lots of uses for it. Made my day, it did.



                Underoo's Magical May

                I'm glad you liked it Tawny. :H Maybe we could make it our theme song?

                Now, enough mucking around, let's get back to the real purpose of this thread which is apparently to discuss our underwear. Which is ironic, really, given that it would probably raise our rating to PG status.
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                  Underoo's Magical May

                  Oh Glassy, I don't belong on this thread for I am braless. Don't own one. And only wear knickers on religious holidays or when parachuting.

                  :upset: :upset: :upset:



                    Underoo's Magical May

                    tawnyfrog;1656653 wrote: Oh Glassy, I don't belong on this thread for I am braless. Don't own one. And only wear knickers on religious holidays or when parachuting.

                    :upset: :upset: :upset:

                    When parachuting? My, what large knickers you must wear Ms T! I thought I was the only one who could whip them off to use as a substitute if the cord suddenly didn't work.

                    PS: New month, new signature. The angel wings are gone and all bets are officially off! :teeter:
                    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                      Underoo's Magical May

                      Glass Half Empty;1656654 wrote: When parachuting? My, what large knickers you must wear Ms T!
                      I live in fear of the thermal updraught. And the Archimedean upthrust. I guess I'm just a nervous Nellie.

                      Corri, sorri ... Photobucket's been giving me grief of late. So glad you have your bald little Noodle birdie.

                      Going in for a nanna nap. Catch you slaters.


                        Underoo's Magical May

                        Evening all, I haven?t read back that much cause my day got hijacked by housework as usual. My daughter?s packing to go away for a couple of months overseas so house in chaos. Had a qick exchange with Reg this morning .. he is also busy domestically.

                        Managed to note that Happs is in the hospital. I?m glad you are going well and have been thinking of you all day.

                        Congratulations Sunny on your lovely daughter?s arrival!

                        Hmm, now lets see, my holiday was lifechanging because of a few reasons ? firstly my brother and his wife felt strongly enough that I needed a holiday and offered to send me on one if I could organize a passport and airfare. This in itself is remarkable and very touching as I?ve felt quite ignored by family and friends for years. They sent me on a retreat where I did 10 days of fasting, yoga and juice cleansing and so forth. I haven?t been overseas since I was a kid so it was a massive adventure. I went to a really beautiful part of Bali where there are loads of yoga retreats and raw food restaurants. Had a lovely time, stayed out in a villa in the rice paddies, waking to the hogs and roosters at about 4-5am every day and went to sleep pretty early too. Even though I wasn?t eating I still got to explore some wonderful things. Swam in freezing cold and boiling hot springs, visited the maharishi, learned to meditate and got loads of retail therapy that even I could afford. Last couple of days I sampled some of the finest raw food restaurants and got really inspired. All that sleep, massage, yoga, juice and floating around in pools sorted me right out. Am certain I?ve recovered from years of misusing my tummy and am now feeling brand new. I even lost 4k as a bonus. Another lady in my group got off her diabetes meds, lowered her blood pressure and blood sugar to normal and she lost 10k. Bloody marvelous!

                        I?ve managed not to put any weight back on yet and am now on a mission to keep losing it and stay as healthy as possible. There?s my rant


                          Underoo's Magical May

                          since nobody's about.. here are a couple of pics...


                            Underoo's Magical May


                              Underoo's Magical May

                              OMG...Ficks, f'ing GOOD is that??? and I'm betting that the food pic is at Clear?


                                Underoo's Magical May

                                Wow, I cant stop looking at those photos. It looks beautiful Ficks. Hope Reg knows we are thinking of him and missing him.

                                I'm just back from a yoga and sound healing. It was wonderful. Feeling very warm and fuzzy.

                                Night all, mwah x

