I am so angry, all the time. Ever since the day I realized I had a drinking problem I have been full of a simmering rage, close to the surface and ready to boil over with little provocation. Once I had my drinking reined in my rage and anger whilst more under control is now even closer to the surface present almost constantly, affecting my actions. It is like a predator waiting for a meal, waiting to strike. Sometimes I feel like the rage is my way of sabotaging my happiness and my sobriety. Now I am sober the displays of anger are over so soon, but I do feel them lurking where I did not recognize them when I was self medicating with alcohol in the past. I am still able to be fully happy most of the time. My family is blessed to have each other and we do enjoy our life together.
I find I am overly critical of my Wife, I am oppressive and demeaning to her often, and I can see it but I can?t seem to stop myself. She does please me and she does do amazing things for us and our children. I am so proud to call her my wife and I love our quiet times together more than I let on. I think maybe my rough treatment of her is another way of punishing myself, in a backhanded way to sabotage my life with her and be able to excuse drinking again.
Recently we had some of the worst news a parent can have, we discovered our daughter (3) and our son (4) have for some time been sexually abused by their 11yr old uncle. The kids a FINE, and don't realise anything out of the ordinary which is both a blessing and a horrifying situation The police have been great and the wheels of justice are turning ever so slowly. I wish the uncle every opportunity to get the help he needs, which I hope includes some forced separation from the negative influence of his parents who seem hell bent on doing the worst possible job of raising an aware and community minded, a young man who knows his own self worth. Needless to say we have cut all tie from that part of our family, we only had contact to help him?of course I am full of feelings of blame and guilt, my rational mind knows I could have done no more to assist my children to be safe. When the danger lies within the walls we construct to keep our most precious little beings safe, the blame we put on ourselves is immense and unfounded. Knowing this does not seem to help me lessen these feelings.
The police put us onto some people who deal with this kind of thing, and yesterday 3 weeks after our first contacting them they have finally gotten back to us to book an induction appointment, not a counselling appointment mind you but an induction meeting? I am flabbergasted to hear, now after retuning back to work yesterday that the counselling will cost money and we need to get a referral of sorts from our GP, we all four of us will need to meet him, discuss the incident and he refers us?WTF? Why wait three weeks to tell someone that, so ANGRY right now you cannot know how infuriated I feel. At the time when the police put us onto these people I asked if it was worth paying for some counselling and they said to use these guys as they were the very best at this stuff. I agreed as I want the best help I can get, but it looks like another 3 or 4 weeks till we will see a counsellor. Maybe the second best help within a timely fashion would be more helpful than waiting all that time for advice and help?.I am starting to rant.
The uncle?s parents are not employed so no doubt he gets therapy no questions asked and more than likely it has already commenced, and as a tax payer I am paying for THAT as well. FFS!
I have waited almost a month to post something openly about this on MWO I needed time to come to some terms first. Sorry to upset anyone but I feel I need to hear from some of you incredible and wise people whom I love like my own blood.
I will not drink!
Love and peace aspy.