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One Step at a Time - May 2014

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    One Step at a Time - May 2014

    Wonderful news Dots,so i was cleaning and was eyeballing hubs dirty ottoman ,tried to spot clean it,no go,well duh,i noticed it has a zipper on the bottom so its in the wash! mind you this is 2 years later,i swear im a weirdo sometimes
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      One Step at a Time - May 2014

      Good news Dotts! Maybe you want to save that board to use on your son-in-law's noggin?!

      Don't feel guilty about PG&S Mama... this is where we come to vent. :l

      Pauly... sounds like a big cleaning day at yours. Laughing at the zipper!

      I'm going to have to find some good vegan recipes... it's tough to get tofu to taste good... My lunch was crap!


        One Step at a Time - May 2014

        p.s. This is the show we're going to see tonight...

        (Mama and Niner... Katy Perry is playing down here too... July 2nd.)


          One Step at a Time - May 2014

          I SO want to go......
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            One Step at a Time - May 2014

            the show looks good Zen!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - May 2014

              Hahahaa... was just texting with Fenny about the Cirque du Soliel show tonight and my phone auto-corrected it to "Cirque du Soviet". We've been imagining acrobats rationing toilet paper on the tight wire and on uni cycles eating crusts of bread! :H :new:

              She said her mum thought she was feeling a bit better today... good news.

              OK, I have to go and fix my head. My hair looks like a hedge. I'll catch you guys on the morrow... X


                One Step at a Time - May 2014

                Hiya Mamasita! You snuck in! Wish you were here to go. Maybe you can escape some weekend and come down, there are a lot of shows here...


                  One Step at a Time - May 2014

                  I am always game Zenny! Home and sweating my rear off. It was 96 today!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - May 2014

                    Well now dh's daughter called and wants to come visit us with grandson. UGH.....spare bedroom looks like a bomb dropped in it....dh didn't bother to ask when and for how long....I could just smack him sometimes...maybe with the board that hit me in the head....or maybe he smacked me???? argh

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      One Step at a Time - May 2014

                      Sick as a dog am I! Too much wedding for me. I have laryngitis . Feeling a. It better tonight. EB was here tonight. Miss my baby girl. Moving her furniture out tomorrow. Wish I knew how to post pics here so you could see how beautiful the wedding was. Happy weekend all


                        One Step at a Time - May 2014

                        Yaaaawn!!! Reckon I'll sleep tonight!

                        The Cirque was a lot of fun... it wasn't one of their usual type of shows but it was really quite good in it's own right. We beat a retreat early to avoid the traffic and went to Joe's Crab Shack... haha yes I know... but it was all right. And I came home to a stress free house (sans Bill) and all is good in my world.

                        I saw a thread out there where they are beating the crap out of each other... the tired old AF -v- Mod crapola. When did alkies get so judgmental? I've done my share of AA, rehab, etc. and can't be arsed with yet another value system I have to attend to. I almost put my two cents worth in but I've had enough negative feedback for being vocal in the past. And it's rather nice to say "self... let it goooooo"... Suffice it to say, I don't give a hoot what side of the fence you guys are on in that regard... youz are all right in my book either way and I really like you all whether you mod or abstain.

                        OK, off to find some Netflix to sleep to.

                        On the morrow... X


                          One Step at a Time - May 2014

                          p.s. I should have said "whether you Mod, abstain, or are still working on it"... that would have been more accurate.


                            One Step at a Time - May 2014

                            Hello, hello, hello......

                            I'm finally going to be able to catch up. I'm going to go back & read and then I'll be back.

                            I've been missing you all. :h
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time - May 2014

                              Hiya Nora!!! :l

                              I've spent approx 4 hours on the phone with various people today... I'm all talked out. I think I have a few things straightened out with Bill. I was at the point of asking him not to come back... in fact I did ask him not to... but he has one last chance. One. Fenny... you can hold me to it!

                              Jim's coming over for dinner... I'm making scallops and veggies. I'm struggling a bit with not eating meat and dairy, hope I can adjust better. I never realized till now how much dairy products I ate. Then Carol is coming up to spend the night tomorrow, really looking forward to that.

                              Anyway, you slackers! Check in!!!


                                One Step at a Time - May 2014

                                Zen,i didn't realize how much dairy i eat until i tried to give it up! i never drink milk only almond or coconut milk,(i hate the regular)but cheese and yogurt are another story,ooh and ice creami was gonna ask you how is the "whore"moan cream working for you?must be o.k cuz i haven't heard you complain,is it helping?i need to get something done,i'm just not right hormonally,last gyno trip had to be canceled cuz i got a "surprise"ugh,i hate being a woman! hope everyone is doing good
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

