Well - I took a nap in between reading. :H Plus I was at the end of a book and wanted to finish it. I have 3 books checked out from the library (kindle books) and I've got to get busy reading. Two are fluff.....which I have been enjoying in between heavier books. But, I just got 'Gone Girl' which sounds like it might be 'edge of your seat'. We shall see.
I have so much that I want to comment on but I'm just going to let it slide. I waited too long :sofa:
Zen - did appreciate your comment about the "whether you Mod, abstain, or are still working on it". Thank you for that. :l
The Cirque du Soliel sounds like so much fun. You cracked me up with your & Fen's comments though.
Did I tell you all that I'm going to see James Taylor in a couple of weeks??? I bought tickets with a friend from work and I have been feeling really anxious lately about it. (Just the same old, depression/panic attacks from being out and about ) But, now I'm excited. I think it will be so much fun.