Congratulations on the upcoming "hitching" FT!
Hiya Alls, good to see you...
Mama... Is it as hot as hell up there? Are you getting to do anything nice while you're on the trip? Comped dinners at least I hope...
Nora... That's great news that FIL is moving into an assisted living facility... what a relief. Bummer on the bathroom wait. I remember one boat I crewed on before we started running them, there was SIX of us to a tiny little bathroom (head). No wonder they call the nautical terlets "heads"... they do your head IN.
Dotts... I've had my own bathroom since 2005 (not that anyone's counting!) and would hate to share one again. I'm quite tidy usually, and another person's mess in there would be a very bad thing. I'm an only child! I don't share well!

Niner... I wouldn't waste another moment's thought on that pair. Nobody is perfect and I'm SURE they've fucked up plenty of times themselves so no need for them to drag you over hot coals after you apologized... to heck with them. Their loss not yours.
Pauly... Hilarious about Louie freaking out at Michelle's new look... bwahahaaaa! :H
I reckon you guys are right... "if you don't tone it tan it". I just bought a new bottle hehe... Get some Fenny. Careful where you spray it on though, best do it in the shower or the garage.
I'm tired. I'm going to do some stretching then take a nice hot shower. Then it's salad and a movie. I'm still not eating meat... it gets easier every day and to be honest I only miss it once in a blue moon. I'm slowly learning the meat replacements and actually really like Tofurkey sausages... they make a great snack. I hunted down Nutritional Yeast so I can try the Tofu Scramble thing (fake scrambled eggs). If you guys have any good Vegan "cheats" please share!
Off to strrrreeeeeeeeeeeetttttch......................... .................