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Taking back control.

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    Taking back control.


    Taking back control.

    sounds like the time has come to lay all your cards on the table. Good luck Starlight , this is a huge step for you but so worth taking.


      Taking back control.

      I take my hat off to you, it is the hardest thing we have to do, fess up but it is very releasing once we have done it. Good luck my thoughts are with you. Kim
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Taking back control.

        Go for it starlight,
        Then name says it all starlight, starbright i wish on you, what i wish i might, you can do it.


          Taking back control.

          Good luck with the visit. Keep us posted on what happens.


            Taking back control.

            That's a huge step. Congrats to you to have the courage and the strength to come forward with that.


              Taking back control.

              Have you tried?

              Have you been on meds for anxiety?
              That's probably what the doctor will suggest.

              I don't get panic attacks but have always been a worrier and get depressed a lot, think too much. I think cognitive behavioral therapy helps with this. You have to learn new thinking patterns so you don't create this toxic mental environment that needs to be soothed with alcohol.

              Also, there are lifestyle factors that contribute. I had to have a good look at myself and face the fact that I was suffering from anxiety but I was also drinking 6 cups of high strength coffee a day and about 6 caffeinated diet colas.

              Exercise is good for anxiety and depression as well.

              Also, wanted to add, you might want to ask your doctor for a referral to a proper psychiatrist for this.

              GPs might have ideas of non-AA support programs.


                Taking back control.

                Good luck. I went to my Dr last week and I was terrified, but once I walked out of her office with my perscription in my hand I felt like such a weight was lifted from me. It was really worth it!


                  Taking back control.

                  Good Luck and let us know how it goes!
                  "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                    Taking back control.

                    Good gooing Starlight and good luck!

                    Sorry I know this is completely off topic... but.. I absolutely love your avatar gitawine. She was one of the most beautiful women ever. She and all of her day remind me of ladies with a lot a class. Not like all the little starlets we have now days.


                      Taking back control.

                      Told doc the very truth........almost

                      Well, here`s my update on this morning`s trip to doc. to tell him all.

                      Told doc. that I self-medicate anxiety with nightly btl of wine, and that I gulp back 63 units of alcohol per wk. Told him that I`m in a real state at mo. with my nerves/anxiety, and that come 8.30 pm I am craving, i.e. practically climbing the walls for some wine to try to calm me down a little. Also told him that I stopped cold turkey about 2 mths. ago for 12 days when I had a chest infection. Doc. says as I didn`t have any withdrawal symptoms(apart from cravings) on that occasion, that he thinks it highly unlikely that I would go through any horrendous withdrawal if I try to stop again, but he gave me a script for librium, just in case. He says to take 1 or 2 tabs(10 mg) at bed-time-he says the librium will help the anxiety. He has given me a wks. supply of librium, but says he won`t give me a repeat script(is librium addictive?)
                      Doc. was very kind to me, and told me becoming dependent on alcohol can happen to anyone. Doc. has never heard of M.W.O., or even Kudzu!!!!!
                      Please, can anyone tell me of their experience of librium, as don`t know whether or not I should take it. Starlight Impress


                        Taking back control.


                        First of all, I am proud of you for taking this step.:goodjob: I know how hard it is. Secondly, tho I have never taken Librium, it's routinely given for nerves. I myself, suffered a one time occurence of Panic Attacks.......nasty, stuff. I couldn't sleep or eat and ended up in the hospital....Hey I like to do these things w/Verve!

                        So I am glad your doc is covering that base. My experience, and I was a HEAVY drinker, is with Campral, quitting cold turkey has been easier than I expected. Did ur doc suggest any of the drugs that can help u quit?


                          Taking back control.

                          Best of luck to you, keep us posted!


                            Taking back control.

                            Librium super duper addictive which is why he only gave you for a week- normally they give that for booze detox to help- it will really help calm your nerves and hopefully sleep through the worst of it. You don't need to get hooked on anything else.

                            You have anxiety everyday because you are addicted to alcohol most likely. I thought I had an anxiety disorder too, a lot of alcoholics think they do, but they are really just super duper craving the booze and mistaking it for genuine anxiety. Caffeine doesn't help either.

                            Good luck, it sounds like yu have a good doc. Most docs haven't heard of this sight don't hold it against him, just inform him by printed out some literature if you want a prescription for Campral or Topa or Naltrexone so he sees you are serious. Go to the Research area of the site. Good Luck!!! :h
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Taking back control.


                              Good for you making a step in the right direction!
                              Please make sure you go back and see him for follow up...The librium is probably to help you with detox, and after that you should definitely go back straight away and discuss the effect librium had on you, and what his plans are to help you move forward in a healthier direction.

                              My very best wishes,

                              Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                              April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                              wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                              wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                              wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                              wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                              wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                              wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                              I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.

