I am logged on because this is my witching hour, i really feel like a glass of wine right now, even typing the word is hard i can nearly bloody taste it.
Just had a green tea ye ha' have been pretty busy today which helps and MWO really helps'
My son just walked in and said day 3 tomorrow, way to go mum, iam proud of you, god bless his little heart, i think i must be doing something right, he really nows what to say and when to say it.
Hope everyone is doing well, we can do this,for all you long timers, keep up the hints it really helps. Still waiting for my package so dont have tools yet Bear. So just trying to keep busy. Has anyone noticed how many bloody adds, and stuff you see when you are trying to give up? it drives me mad, its like those bloody smoking adds, didnt even want one till the bloody add came on.
have a great day or sleep tight, which ever cheers
