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Precious words in the witching hour

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    Precious words in the witching hour

    Hi everyone day 2 nearly over,(sounds pathtic)
    I am logged on because this is my witching hour, i really feel like a glass of wine right now, even typing the word is hard i can nearly bloody taste it.
    Just had a green tea ye ha' have been pretty busy today which helps and MWO really helps'
    My son just walked in and said day 3 tomorrow, way to go mum, iam proud of you, god bless his little heart, i think i must be doing something right, he really nows what to say and when to say it.
    Hope everyone is doing well, we can do this,for all you long timers, keep up the hints it really helps. Still waiting for my package so dont have tools yet Bear. So just trying to keep busy. Has anyone noticed how many bloody adds, and stuff you see when you are trying to give up? it drives me mad, its like those bloody smoking adds, didnt even want one till the bloody add came on.
    have a great day or sleep tight, which ever cheers

    Precious words in the witching hour

    Its fantastic that your son provides you with that positive support ,it sounds like you have a lovely supportive family, so with that your half way there already! Good luck tonight and bear in mind all the trouble alcohol has caused when you feel like slipping! (or even sipping!)


      Precious words in the witching hour

      Morning. I don't know what time you posted this but i was thinking how a lot of us often say 'how am i going to get through the weekend/night/day? it's going to be so tough..' and then guess what? It is! How about saying ' this is going to be EASY' and see what happens. The brain is a funny thing and we can fool it in the same way that smiling even when you feel sad has been proven to lift mood. I know you can do this. Have a great evening. Bean x


        Precious words in the witching hour

        hey chiili. i was on when you were here earlier. if i had known you were having such a hard time i would have spent some time with you in chat. there is almost always someone here if you need to talk. way to go for making it though the night. and yes i can taste it sometimes too. you are not alone.


          Precious words in the witching hour

          KEEP busy and buy yourself in his site for the first few weeks, that is what I did...the supps will help trmendously, but I had to get the topa too. Take it ALL if you have to. There is no shame...nothing is worse than being drunk. TRUST me...I know. I haven't been sobber too long...6 weeks, I still have cravings , but they are getting better. You can do this! We just do it together. You are at the right place....


            Precious words in the witching hour

            Your son sounds like a sweetie! Hang in there. Sure the meds and cd's and all really help - but the biggest help is you and your determination, plus forgiving yourself if you slip.

