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    Hello everyone, I just wanted to type this out. My dad and I have just found out that his faithful german shepherd dog- Casper has cancer. Its Lyphoma (or however you spell it) I'm distraught and have been balling my eyes out. He is only 6yrs old and he is like my dad, solid, kind, loyal, wise and its so cruel that this has happened. My dad and I walk the dogs everyday so I have become close to Casper. Those of you who don't have dogs will no doubt think - hes just a dog and i'm being over emotional and I am but he is like a human and he knows hes not well. He is depressed and has no energy. The vet said he could have kimo weekly but this might be very distressing for him and won't cure him. My dad is upset and looks grave. I hate seeing him sad, it makes me sad. I love my dad so much. he is my best friend.
    Had to tell you all. I hope I don't depress you too much! Bella xxxx


    Bella that is terrible news so sorry... When I lost my doggie I thought I'd never get over it.
    Your poor dad too. Give Casper a kiss for me. :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL



      I am sorry about your dad's dog. Some pets are so close they are like family. You and your dad have a good reason to be sad.

      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



        Dearest Bella,

        What a shame for the poor little mite. I love animals and although I've always been a cat person my recent relocation to Wales has enabled me to take my brother in laws dog out for walks and I absolutely adore him.

        Pets are members of our families and it is very distressing when then become poorly.

        Sending you and your dad my thoughts,

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.



          Dear Bella

          I am so sorry to hear that.

          Pets do become like family. Sometimes more loyal than family itself.

          Give Casper and kiss and cuddle from me too.

          Love Mandy x



            Very sorry for your hurt Bella. Be there for each other and we are here for you. Fill yourselves with the good...the loyalty and friendship.
            Control the Mind



              Bella, I will be thinking of you and your dad. I lost one of my dogs in March and I still feel so sad. He was my little baby, the one in my Avatar. We rescued him and he was so greatful. I know how upset you must be. You will make the best decision for your dog and even though it is painful, in time your pain will be less and you will have good memories. I am counting on that myself.

              Thinking of you.



                I'm sorry about Casper. My Charlie died of a heart attack at the groomer's. I went to bed for 2 days and didn't talk to anyone for several days after. Dogs give unconditional love and its hard to replace. My picture is actually my dog Charlie.




                  Oh, I am so sorry Bella. That brought tears to my eyes. I love my dogs like my family; they are my family. I understand completely. We always had animals, but I had one dog when I was a teenager who was my best friend. He was awesome, just a little cute blonde mutt that looked like Benji. We used to sled down the hill with him on my lap, and he would pull the saucer back up the hill and sit there waiting for me. It took me years and years to heal that, I still can't look at his grave when I am at my mothers.

                  I am so sorry honey. No other dog will ever replace him. Give him lots of hugs and attention, he needs it now.

                  Thinking of you.



                    Oh Bella, I so know how your heart hurts. These furry face beings become family to us, they love with wholeness of themselves. Just make Casper as comfortable as you can and give him all the love I know you will. Take care with Dad as well. Its just so hard I know. The love we have for them, perhaps no one will totally understand. Just remember all the fun you have had with him.



                      I am sorry Bella!



                        I'm so sorry to hear about your Fathers dog Casper... How tragic for such a loved animal at such a young age. We have a black and a chocolate lab that are our "girls". I feel your pain... Poor Casper. I read something one day that made total sense to me and I would like to share it with you... I will do my best to remember how it goes,
                        A family along with their 4 year old son brought the family dog to the vets knowing it was time to say "good-bye" to their faithful friend even though the dog was only 3 years old with cancer. The parents let the little boy decide as to whether he wanted to be in the room or not and the boy casually chose to be by his friends side right until the end... As the dog drifted off to sleep with the boy gently stroking his soft ears, the parents were kinda concerned that the boy really didn't understand that the dog was now deceased. So the Mom, keeping a stiff upper lip said to her son, " Champ is Now in Heaven and I know you must be so sad " The little boy just looked as him Mom and said, " You know Mom, I just figured something out.. People are on this earth soooo long cause they need all that extra time to learn how to love and dogs are just born that way. That's why Champ is in Heaven so early". This story is so true. ~Niblet ~

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



                          I am sorry too Bella. That is so sad......
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me




                            Let me provide some hope. I have a cat, also named Casper, who was diagnosed with lymphoma five years ago. It looked grim. We decided to give the chemo a try and, oila! Here we are five years later, and Casper is still going strong.

                            We have also had another cat with aggressive cancer who survived after surgery.

                            We also have a dog who is beating a very aggressive form of bladder cancer.

                            It is not even that expensive, and the animals don't seem to suffer from the chemo treatments like humans do. My dog comes home from the vet, and eats two bowls of food.

                            Best of luck. Keep praying and hoping!



                              Thankyou all for what you said. Niblet, that story is heart breaking. LegalEagle, I'm so glad your Casper got through it. who knows how things will go. Thankyou again. Bella xxxx

