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Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

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    Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

    used to dislike queen, but then i was a punk :H

    i think theyre great now, not to be taken seriously. thanks JC.

    just back from shopping and as i was coming out (overladen with sugary things) a twenty something girl walked in in full jimjam attire! slippers, leopard spot dressing gown, the works.

    my area is going down the pan i tell ya


      Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

      Had to bring out the cheese and biccies out all by myself Tips - but then, I had everything all to myself, too, so Too lazy for anything else.

      Could have been JC, Roxy - she has a spotty leopard gown. Or is it Molly who has one? Still love Queen, esp the earlier albums.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

        its not even a local store, she would have driven to it. maybe its my age...........


          Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

          just had a lunch of coffee (instant) and flapjacks (shop bought)

          sugar and caffeine, got to be for you... no?


            Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

            its the slippers that really got me, theyre indoor things. to stop the outdoors from being trampled all over the indoors. arent they?

            still, not my carpet i suppose, not my business.


              Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

              Depends on who is wearing the dressing gown
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                Good afternoon Army and droppers in.

                Been to a race on the other side of Liverpool, and I kid you not on my bus there was a woman 40+ with her rollers in, she proceeded to put her makeup on throughout the 30 minute journey--fascinating

                Just had a steak pie, new potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli. Followed by a chocolate doughnut(I prefer jam) I am now looking forward to dinner.


                  Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                  I'm always amazed when people treat public spaces like private ones, Anon. Perhaps I just had a really repressed upbringing, but it grates on me. How did the race go?
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                    Longish post lost:upset:
                    Won the vet category as no woman over 40 was running!
                    Got another race in the morning--making up for a misspent youth:goodjob:


                      Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                      Most of us never get to the making-up part, Anon - best of luck for tomorrow! And well done on winning
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                        Howyiz - just back from trekking the hills & then food shopping ( in manky gear- don't care)
                        Paparazzi were busy elsewhere obviously- so I was ok
                        Knackerood - and now have to start getting ready to go out - fuck !


                          Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                          :goodjob: mrsa. I stand in awe of you.

                          :wavin: Dreamy and Satz.

                          Rather you than me, Satzuma. I ain't going nowhere tonight. Unless maybe collecting a takeout. The dinner-making bug isn't biting tonight.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                            anon;1656784 wrote: Longish post lost:upset:
                            Won the vet category as no woman over 40 was running!
                            Got another race in the morning--making up for a misspent youth:goodjob:
                            Wos your time gud?
                            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                            AF date 22/07/13


                              Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                              YouKayBee;1656803 wrote: Wos your time gud?
                              Not for a 40 year old but gud for 67 25. 50


                                Army a thread Saturday 3rd May

                                mollyka;1656804 wrote: Evening --- sorry - missing a bit --- just more family shite --- anyways - unlike Benjy I don't have to get dressed up -- but I am heading out for a feed -- Joe's coming home early -- WOWSER!!!!
                                What's the craic?
                                How are you?

