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Army thread Sunday 5 May

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    Army thread Sunday 5 May

    Houses work?is that like the bit of sweeping I did of kit hen floor early er?
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Army thread Sunday 5 May

      Nighty night, Molls.:l

      I did go a bit mad with the kit hen cleaner and duster for half an hour this aftie.............but needs must.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Sunday 5 May

        mollyka;1657247 wrote: That's the one:H:H
        Now I'm gonna have a really early night now --- tired beyond tired -- will talk to yiz all in the morn --- night night xx
        X me too


          Army thread Sunday 5 May

          Nighty night, Our Whizzy.

          Time to feed the men in my life.......they've had long days.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army thread Sunday 5 May

            JackieClaire;1657248 wrote: Nighty night, Molls.:l

            I did go a bit mad with the kit hen cleaner and duster for half an hour this aftie.............but needs must.
            I treated myself to a telescopic feather duster this week. It's good fun and was much needed.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13


              Army thread Sunday 5 May

              Evening Army,

              Sorry been AWOL xx Just mighty busy past week. Was away down the country for my wee Godson's first communion yesterday- so proud of him Then visiting with bro and sis-in-law. Nice to visit friends and family but even nicer to get home to yer own bed.

              Jacks txt that we had a new recruit!!! OMG- she's an absolute beauty Dreamy. Can we name her Bella or Beauty or summat?? I want her too!!

              How's everyone else doing?


                Army thread Sunday 5 May

                mollyka;1657271 wrote: Hey sweetiepie! Was missing u - in leaba now but just wanted to let u know just how much u WERE missed! Was communion good day? I always loved them -kiddies little enough not to be cynical bout them
                Ah Mollymoo:l Missed yis too xx

                Great day was had- as ye say the kids are so innocent at that age, they were all so excited and happy. Was down in Co. Laois so am a tad wrecked with all the driving and glad to be home


                  Army thread Sunday 5 May

                  mollyka;1657271 wrote: Hey sweetiepie! Was missing u - in leaba now but just wanted to let u know just how much u WERE missed! Was communion good day? I always loved them -kiddies little enough not to be cynical bout them
                  Just reading back proper--- sorry ye are still having to deal with shite:l Tis not fair methinks xx We'll hafta arrange a wee meet-up sometime soon, no?? I fancy some of Fitzpatrick's chowder!!

