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SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

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    SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

    I hesitated to post this as I didn't know if Joe would be on here. Looks like not unless I'm on chat and it's some of u fellow cheeky people...then he likes to add his 2 cents worth.

    When we were both drinking heavily.....well Joe couldn't get it up. (Delicate aren't I). So, okay, understood.

    I haven't got that problem..........

    Okay, now he's been off the booze over two weeks. I still haven't got THAT problem....but the problem I had still there.

    The doc doesn't think it's physical. I think ....oh hell I know I am still attractive and that Joe loves me and finds me attractive.....but......

    What would u tell a friend.....he asked for Viagra and of course, w/the drinking the doc was reluctant to give it. Joe's only in his early forties.......

    Any suggestions? I'm running out of batteries!:wow: :upset:

    SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

    Be patient..............

    "Good things come to those who wait".......

    The brain is the major sex may take more than two weeks to get "Normal" back..
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

      Has he had a full physical? That problem can be a sign of other health issues. Docs are too quick to prescribe viagra and they shouldn't be because many times it is a sign of an underlying health issue. That is what I would recommend.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        SEX.....Get anyone's attention?


        I've been patient....sigh. I'm more patient in some areas than others......


        Actually, I wonder too if it's physical. Yesterday he got a notice from our doc that one test was out of kilter (they never say what) and to call for an apptmt. He already has an apptmt maybe it is related to that.

        And here's a three day weekend coming up......:sigh:


          SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

          You really need to give it time. One thing that you may consider is that if you both recently stopped drinking there are a ton of issues that are being worked on. I imagine that his stress levels are a bit higher right now so that can play a large part. Also.. recall that even though you may have detoxed in 24 to 48 hours the effects on somethings last a bit longer. For a man it takes a while to get the testes to function correctly again.

          Give it time.


            SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

            Okay okay. I'll see what the doc says and be PATIENT But I'm pouting.....Honestly, I try not to say anything to him.....I'm not as callous as I might seem....but :durn:


              SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

              Hart, I know how ya feel. This a hard one. (no pun intended)

              My advise is first of all.....get really super stocked up on the batteries. I'm serious. It's terrible when you run out. One time I even had to rob the TV remote talk about gettin his attention....whew!

              Secondly....maybe YOU could talk to his doc. I know with HIPA and all thats a little touchy of an area but maybe you could give him the inside scoop just in case hubby isnt talkin about it that could fill in the missin pieces for the doc to help solve the problem. Plus Doc could explain a little to you that could help you in the patient department.

     could always do a little prozac to deplete your libedo and just have a who gives a shit attitude about the whole thing until he gets things up and goin. Or you know what I mean.

              Well thats my 2 cents. Bye.
              Gabby :flower:


                SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                Southernbell.....You know I love and respect you very much. I hope you didnt read that first part.

                Sorry if you did...hope you forgive me.
                Gabby :flower:


                  SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                  Whew...I have nothing to say...except WHEW! Be grateful to get ANYTHING OK...LOL


                    SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                    I know how you feel. Although my husband has nothing 'physically' wrong with him. I move to a city to 'be' with him and what do I get??? A WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING! That is correct!

                    Makes me wonder about something.... he is a 'bath' man, takes a bath most days. Lately he has been taking showers. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... My self esteem is dwindling.... oh so dwindling.....:upset:

                    Yeah, I know TMI but we are being honest here aren't we??!!


                      SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                      Whats TMI?
                      Gabby :flower:


                        SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                        TMI: Too Much Information .... At least I hope that is what it means!


                          SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                          yep that's what it means!

                          maybe he is having performance anxiety??
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                            Accountable I am with you- my hubby never goes for it (he gets home very late and I am usually asleep)- but it's made me so disinterested I don't even care. :upset:
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              SEX.....Get anyone's attention?

                              Awwww... that sucks. I feel your pain Happy. Let's cry together. :upset:

