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Army thread Tuesday 6 May

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    Army thread Tuesday 6 May

    Good morning Army!

    Pajama drill... and could somebody please send me an emergency supply of Nos and Stops - I've run out.

    :welcome: to our newest recruit, Coquelicot! One of the French words I just loved the first time I came across it, and one of my favourite flowers, so there we go.

    It's very bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr outside. And windy.

    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Tuesday 6 May

    Good morning Dreamy 5 50 am and a calm still day here.
    Busy day ahead and so happy to face it without a hangover.

    I have been reading around a bit and Molly's thread about the end of her drinking career really struck a chord and I think I need to remind myself of those times to stop me becoming becoming complacent.
    I was starting to feel that maybe I was cured and perhaps I could just have one social drink.
    I do know that this is impossible


      Army thread Tuesday 6 May

      Morning Anon! Goodness, from lazy bird yesterday to early bird today! Yes, that magical cure, hehe. "Just the one" is a phrase that I've pushed right to the back of my mind - if there's one thing I've learnt in the past six months it's that that is completely impossible for me. My off switch broke a long time ago and nobody has spare parts for it. You were busy renovating the kitchen (I think) - everything done now?
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Army thread Tuesday 6 May

        Saffas in the news again - for all the wrong reasons: SA women top boozers - Times LIVE

        Study was done last year, so I probably played an important part in the stats :blush:
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Tuesday 6 May

          Saffa women big boozers! We have a new scary item of news like that every day!

          Kitchen going to take another two weeks BIG job. Microwave meals and takeaways will be order of the day:goodjob:


            Army thread Tuesday 6 May

            xpost Molly --Good morning and thanks again for that other thread.
            Sun shining over the trees outside looks lovely.


              Army thread Tuesday 6 May

              Wondered about that as well, Molly, haven't had much joy on the WHO site to check. And morning!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                mollyka;1657795 wrote: sympathies with the kit hen jobby -- it'll be worth it tho!
                Ahh -- the thread --- I s'pose I have a level of disappointment in that everyone who responded is either in really good recovery or you just know damn well the ones that replied that aren't already in good recovery are going to be..... I s'pose I hope that it just MIGHT capture one doubter, one single person that may just have a 'eureka' moment --- there is so much delusion around about alcohol it saddens me sometimes --- so many big 'I AM'S' around --- 'oh I'm clever smart etc I won't be humbled by alcohol, I can handle it - 2 on a Saturday standing on my head in a puddle' -sort of shite --- until I got humbled and accepted that I couldn't win this battle on THOSE terms - I was pissing in the wind....... anyway --- not MY battle.......

                rant over
                As you said, if it helps only one person, you've accomplished a lot. As much as we sometimes want to, we can't bodily force people to stop drinking - but we can show them the options available to them, and that the sober life isn't so bad after all.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                  Morning. Three hours in traffic. I kid you not.

                  I can slit my wrists.

                  Anyhoo... have a lekker day. Off I go.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                    Fuuuuuuuuuckk. Anon and Damo would have run the distance in that time, Tips. Hope your day gets better!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                      Good morning Dreamydoooooooooo, Our Whizzy, Mollymoo, Tipperooo,

                      You're right Molls, its pure alcohol (ethanol).

                      :welcome: Coquelicot
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                        sober people are posting, yes, but you can bet that there are a lot of people that are not that are reading it.
                        i said myself i'm not ready to post on it, i dont feel qualified. the title says it all.

                        reading again and again from different people having similar experiences helps fix in the mind that al is not pretty.

                        we all know that, but repetitive stories drum it in. like allan carrs books i suppose :H


                          Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                          Morning JC and Rox!

                          roxane;1657805 wrote: reading again and again from different people having similar experiences helps fix in the mind that al is not pretty.

                          we all know that, but repetitive stories drum it in. like allan carrs books i suppose :H

                          You know, that was probably my saving grace - I spent a whole month after I'd registered here doing little else but read read read. The brainwashing made quitting a lot
                          easier than it would have been otherwise, I think.
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                            I'm off myself. Bye for now.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army thread Tuesday 6 May

                              fudge?? where the fudge??

                              thanks molly, i am honest with where im at, i dont lie. but. i do keep things to myself. habit.

                              i remember being told im a closed book so many times. i thought i was being very open at those times. apparently i say things, yes, but not how i feel. i thought i did.

                              wondering what to do today, drumming fingers a bit. i wish i could sit and be.

                              i have things i need to do but dont want to and dont have to so i wont!

                              think i'll pick the fluff out of my navel.

