Yes mothers day weekend here and my daughter was a mothers day baby and she turns 27 on saturday so i will see her on monthers day. god how the years go, wish i had done the last 10+ sober to remember more but we cant change the past. You on the other hand Choice have the opportunity to remember each and every day of your childs life, im proud of you for having made that decision for you and the family.
I am glad life is good for you now, day by day, minute by minute and those al thoughts will eventually go. i do know the first two weeks were hell on wheels with thoughts and cravings and eating and sleep patterns and moods and the list goes on but be determined and strong and you will never ever regret not drinking again.
Enjoy your YOU time, you dont get enough of that with young ones and feel blessed your toddler is not old enough to make you breaky yet on mothers day! that is all i will say. xx