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Does anyone else find this to be a problem

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    Does anyone else find this to be a problem

    I noticed that by afternoon or late afternoon when I am starting a little sluggish and tired that is when you really want to drink. This happened last week and as well. Does anyone know what is causing that?

    Does anyone else find this to be a problem

    I believe it is low blood sugar. Alcohol is a quick pick-me-up which is why I used to always reach for it when I was tired in the afternoon. Try eating a little something. Not only will it help with the craving but it might perk you up a little. Same thing happens to me.....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Does anyone else find this to be a problem

      Same thing happens to me I usually eat chocolate,


        Does anyone else find this to be a problem

        Definitely a trigger. I was very stressed today and that was a huge trigger too. It is such an automated thing too....tired, stressed = want alcohol.
        It is good to be aware of it so you can talk yourself out of it.
        List the reasons it is not a good idea. Take deep breaths. Sit in a chair for 10min and relax (don't allow yourself to get up during that 10min). Kind of like giving yourself a 'timeout'.
        Sometimes if you can get past that 1-2 hours it will be over.



          Does anyone else find this to be a problem

          Yes, that's what I would too, reach for the glass of wine, to help me get through making dinner.


            Does anyone else find this to be a problem

            probably a craving for sugar or carbohydrate.

            try a snack every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar up but not sky high.

            try 100% whole grain carbohydrates (crackers for example or whole wheat bagel with cinnamon) and some healthy fat on top, like a bit of peanut butter or light cream cheese (if you are trying to lose weight).


              Does anyone else find this to be a problem

              I agree with all of the above. Low blood sugar is a huge trigger to want the drink. I always found around 2-3pm were the times I would start to obsess about having one. I found in the beginning, eating small, frequent meals helped stave off the cravings. My diet was full of high protien/whole grains. They keep your blood sugar levels stable longer than eating high fat/sugar carbs. Either way eating is better than drinking. Everything will stabilize in a few weeks.


                Does anyone else find this to be a problem

                when this happens to me I take some L-glut and everything smooths out
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Does anyone else find this to be a problem

                  Same thing here with me..the afternoons are the worst for me.


                    Does anyone else find this to be a problem

                    I agree with the advice - I notice when hungry I crave but on a full or semi-full stomach not an issue.


                      Does anyone else find this to be a problem

                      Thanks all for your advice. I find that even after I have eaten (which I start to feel tired) makes it worse. I am going to try some of the things suggested.


                        Does anyone else find this to be a problem


                        I'm with u hon. Yesterday about 3 pm I was thinking.....boy would I like a nap. I ate and usually that would make me sleepier, but I ended up staying up until 9:30....took my Rubios and this was the easiest....though not easy....that I have gotten up for about ten days.

                        Maybe it was/is low blood sugar, for both of us.:blah:

