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Miracles never cease!

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    Miracles never cease!

    A~ how wonderful for you & your family!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Miracles never cease!

      Mona kitty and the duckies look to be good pals!


        Miracles never cease!

        Wow, that is such good news.
        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          Miracles never cease!

          Absolutely wonderful news!!! I am so happy for the two of you!
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Miracles never cease!

            Guys... Gals...
            I am SO happy I cannot tell you! I feel like I have just woken up from a horrible dream that I was stuck in for a year, and she was never sick!

            Luv... miracles do happen, and I will now send my prayers for the same you and your Mom! This is a cancer for which there is no cure... it was in her bone marrow, blood... they were only extending her life as much as possible.

            I am just so happy! However, I will confess that I drank WAY too much last night "knowing" the results were coming in today. My faith is so small, but God is so big! Even when I broke the chandelier (please see earlier thread... lol), I was not drinking at all. But I took it as some sort of "omen" of bad news to come the next day, and my husband was out of town, so I just lit into the wine and didnt even care.

            I felt so small today when we went to the Oncologist for her tests, waiting for a death sentence, only to hear that she has changed history b/c no one has ever survived this cancer!

            She was written up in the Journal of Medicine years ago for defying the odds, but she has proven herself once again, to be my hero.

            Thanks! Thanks! I am dancing!
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Miracles never cease!

              Wow! That's great Allie.
              Just goes to show you that there sometimes is a happy ending.


                Miracles never cease!

                Still tearing up for you this morning Allie.....I am just so happy for you....


                  Miracles never cease!


                  This is great news. It shows God does exist, although sometime He works is mysterious ways. I'm really happy for you.

                  Mandy x


                    Miracles never cease!

                    Dearest Allie

                    I am so happy for you and your Mom!!!

                    Praise God for His Goodness and Mercy!

                    May His Blessing and Peace continue with you!

                    Control the Mind


                      Miracles never cease!

                      Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

                      If we don't..........the rocks will shout out!!!!!!!

                      :h Nancy
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Miracles never cease!

                        Allie, thank you for sharing that with us. It is so wonderful to hear good news. I went through my fathers death and my sisters breast cancer in the same year and I know how you can go up and down emotionally. I did my share of drinking too. I also am a believer in God and miracles....and his constant forgivness of us when we struggle with sin and faith. " He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." Love ya...Buffy


                          Miracles never cease!

                          God is kind and Prayer is all powerfull, very happy for Mom and you and your entire family. God lives and works for the good of us. This I truly belive. He has so taken care of our family seeing my Mom thru stage 3 breast cancer and healing our little Sophie, when the doctors were not sure she would ever progress normally. Miracles do happen!


                            Miracles never cease!

                            Fantastic news !! I know how emotional cancer diagnosis and treatments are. I will keep praying for you all. Stay Well !!!

