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Who has a vegetable garden

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    Who has a vegetable garden

    I am planting a vegetable garden this weekend, I am just curious as to what you gardeners have planted or are planning to plant. I have heard that gardening is a very good stress reliever and of course will keep me busy.


    Who has a vegetable garden

    Great Thread Sammys !!!

    I just came in from working in my vegetable garden. We live in Northern Ontario by Sault Ste. Marie... I'm hoping that we don't get anymore frost. Last weekend here was very cold but nothing was up yet... Last week we planted potatoes (yukon gold), peas,(sugar snap with edible pods. They can grow upwards to 4.5 feet tall and need a chicken wire fence to climb.) dutch sets (onions) We also have 2 long rows of raspberries that needed pruning. I guess this year I'll be making raspberry smoothies, pies, jams cause I won't be using it all for wine.. ha ha... This weekend I plan on planting the rest of the garden,,, sweet corn,(honey and cream) green and yellow beans, carrots (mostly for my horse Cody) A couple tomato plants and a couple cucumber plants... I also tried 2 years ago the blueberry bush that gives you the large blueberries with a fairly large bush... I'm not too crazy about the success with it and have lost 2 plants.. Pretty expensive I might add... I do like to try though.. I had a raised strawberry patch that did really well for a couple years then it took a shit, so now I just go to a local growers and pick my own 20 minutes from the house.. Very cheap and in less than an hour I have all I need, no fuss, no muss... I really do find weeding the garden and seeing things thrive with all the love and care a rewarding experience... I think though that a person should not make their garden so big that it is more of a burden than a relaxing hobby. There is so much info out there that anybody can aquire a green thumb... This time of year always tugs at my heart , cause my grampa was the person in my life that really inspired me with the love of gardening.. I would call him every single spring and we would talk about what should be planted first because of the weather etc... We used to spend alot of time at their home and now when I'm in the garden I catch myself saying the odd thing still to Grampa. Just tonight in fact I said, " Do you have weeds in Heaven Grampa".... thought quietly and felt his answer very clearly" sure we do !! That's all the fun, weedin' " I sure hope that you have as much playing in the dirt as I do Sammys... I just have to start wearing my bug mask or something cause those dang mosquitos are getting bad here !!! Happy Planting if you hear of a frost cover your tomatoes and cucumbers... I've even had my corn up 1 inch hear of a frost coming that night and covered my corn back up with dirt to save it from the frost... It just had to re-pop out of the ground in a couple days . Tee!! Heee!!! Take Care and Thanks for asking about something that brings me great joy ! ~ Niblet ~

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Who has a vegetable garden

      This year I planted tomatoes, mariachi peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, sunflowers, herbs of all sorts and giant pumpkins (1st time to try the big ones). I also have a strawberry garden and have an asparagus plot that doesn't seem to be looking too good after the long hard winter here in Colorado. It is just great to watch everything grow and get to reap the harvest (and in the case of my strawberries feed the squirrels and birds) come late summer. It certainly does make one happy and help with stress relief and keep you busy. I don't love the dirt aspect but can't imagine not having the garden. Coming home and heading out to see what has developed each day is my favorite activity (used to do it with a glass of wine -- now a glass of water is more my style).
      You have good dirt in Wisconsin - yes? We have rotten dirt in CO and a real short growing season and not much moisture - Rocky Mtn. Gardening is a challenge. I grew up in No. California where darn near anything will grow to great heights with no tending at all - still can't believe how hard it is to coax a veggie out of the ground here!
      Well, best of luck to you, Sammys. A garden tomato makes all the work worthwhile!
      Mama T.
      Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


        Who has a vegetable garden

        Had to chime back in after reading Niblet's post. My grandparents were my original garden pals (they had his and hers greenhouses - hers had flowers, his had tomatoes) and I always think of them. Grandpa loved yellow roses so I have a big yellow rose bush right by my vegetable garden -- I always think of them and it makes the whole project a work of love. My dad too loves the tomatoes and we chat each year about when we're planting, how many we're putting in and who gets the first fruit. I lost my Grandma in October so this is my first year of gardening without her. She was the person I called for advise about the slugs or the white flies. She didn't get hornworms in California. She also walked me through making jelly, and canning salsa and pickling carrots and green beans and any other wacky project I came up with. Now I garden with my daughter who last year, at age 7, announced that "no one said gardening was easy." It sure is a great thing to share.
        Mama T.
        Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


          Who has a vegetable garden

          OH I am so jealous. I promised hubby if he plants, I will tend it. I grew up with a family that had gardens but I never had to do the work but could appreciate the outcome so I am spoiled, and sadly I dislike gardening with a passion. I promised hubby I will try and get into it this year because there is nothing better than garden fresh veggies. And the cost of veggies in the store this year due to the weird weather is not worth it..........
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Who has a vegetable garden

            For me gardening is one of the best stress relievers in the world..playing in the dirt & the sun..beautiful plants...quiet

            Where do you live sammy? What are you going to plant?


              Who has a vegetable garden

              Sammy, I LOVE gardening, mainly flowers, but I did plant a few veggies this year. I take the kids every year to the local strawberry patch as is tradition...they love it!


                Who has a vegetable garden


                Save me some tomatoes. No pestiticides please.

                Thank you. Let me know when to come fetch them.


                  Who has a vegetable garden

                  My New Passion, Gardening

                  So funny you brought this up, since I am AF during the week, (and since the weather here in MD has been so nice the last week or two) I've been throwing myself into the gardening. I'm doing flowers, though, not vegetables.
                  Bought a new house in Jan w/ about a million beds already existing. At first I thought I'd just do the front beds for curb appeal, so we ripped all the existing plants out because I wanted to make it "my own" The front is looking great, but now I've cleaned out all the back and side beds and can't wait to decide what to plant! I never, never thought I'd like gardening, but I'm really loving it now!
                  Before all I could think of to do on a beautiful sunny day was have a nice glass of wine. Now I have something else to keep me busy! Have fun with it and keep us posted.
                  "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                    Who has a vegetable garden

                    Gardenng is a wonderful stress reliever, I love it. I have tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, okra, lettuce, sweet peppers and hot peppers this year.


                      Who has a vegetable garden

                      Sam, gardening is wonderful for the soul and the whole mind/body experience. It's so easy to meditate in a garden and mother nature is very apparent. I don't plant vegetables because right now we are in an area that is too damp with too little sun, but I do plant dahlias, strawberries, roses, and herbs. A few herbs makes everything better.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Who has a vegetable garden

                        Ame looks like one happy doggy!

                        SK- Why are you cynical today?


                          Who has a vegetable garden

                          I've got a tiny plot which I fill with onions, leeks, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.
                          Also I'm growing some spuds in a bin. Give it a try sammys. The food tastes wonderful.


                            Who has a vegetable garden

                            Lucky, that avatar needs to be permanently banned. Creepiest thing I have ever seen........
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Who has a vegetable garden

                              omg - lushy is right... ban the kitchick!
                              I long to garden. I know most of the local farmers through projects I've been involved in, am a devout local food gal, go to the farmers market and am in a CSA - so I know how WONDERFUL truly fresh food can be (and I work for grocery stores that sell the best produce around). But I've always been notorious for killing plants! But this year I'm trying again. I live on a cliff so no real yard space, but have planted herbs, spinach, peas and two cherry tomatoes in pots. My thinking is that tending to these will give me something to do in the evenings and weekends. We'll see..........

