I agree about the avatar, Lucky it will give me nightmares for weeks, where do you get them from ??
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Who has a vegetable garden
Who has a vegetable garden
My Garden is where I should be right now, I have a 12m polytunnel and I planted courgettes, cucumber, gherkins, pumpkins, potimarron, patison and sweet corn in it to plant out and now they are taking over. I also have broccoli, kale, cabbage, lettuce, rocket, tomatoes, aubergines, sweet peppers, hot peppers, potatoes, leeks, parsnips, carrots, swede and beetroot. We also have fruit bushes and trees, a walnut tree, artichokes which are ready and the momment and lots and lots of long grass and nettles! Right, I must get out there, my son has just gone to sleep so its now or never.Suz
Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.
Who has a vegetable garden
Wow ? there are some quite serious gardeners out there, niblet and goingsobermum sound like you are getting ready to set up well provisioned roadside stalls for a little pin money later in the season. I agree with you all, I find gardening so de-stressing, where I live it?s so quiet, and it?s just me, my garden and after a decent rainfall then some hot sunshine; I can almost hear the stuff growing.
My garden is at 3,300 feet above sea level, which is low mountain range here in Europe, not even on the chart compared to where you are mamatree ! It is on quite a steep gradient and south facing, so I have lots of success with fruits like gooseberries, raspberries, black/red/white currants. I have planted onions, shallots, dwarf beans, mange toutes, peas, beetroots and runner beans. In July/August I pickle lots of stuff, preserve loads of fruit for the winter, and make loads of runner bean chutney (recipe to follow).
Great thread sammys, I hope the weather is good for you and you have a lovely weekend planting out your vegetable garden. I?m sure with some tlc in your garden, you will be rewarded for your input ? enjoy???????..A.G.
Who has a vegetable garden
Hey only thing I can grow is chilli's, for everything else I seem to have a brown thumb!!! kim oh apart from the odd grass plant here and there when i was younger doing hydroponics at school.Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!
Who has a vegetable garden
I've never heard of but maybe did eat some of the vegetables that Goingsobermom talked about... Rocket? I think I'd be a lil' more than nervous to cook up a batch of that ! Tee Heee !!!!!!!!! Hardy !! Harrr !!! Harrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!
~ I hear a whinny on the wind~
Who has a vegetable garden
Well...we have a number of varieties of tomatoes, peppers, spaghetti squash, yellow squash, zuchinni, watermelon, cantalope and other melons, cucumbers, luffa, the asaragus plot is still going.....onions, garlic, etc....a few other odds and ends....all to be surrounded by an electric fence hopefully sometime this weekend if I can find the time to get it built....(lost some of my melons to racoons last year).....we are trying to grow as much as we can....even going to try some of those "upside down" tomatoes" this year...if they work we are going to put some in the greenhouse for the winter.
tony.:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:
Who has a vegetable garden
Ohhh how I would love to come over to your gardens for a few hours each weekend and help you out in your gardens!
We have such a tiny garden. I absolutely love gardening but our garden area is only 8 metres wide by 15 metres long (25 feet x 48 feet).
Enjoy that water and the fruits of your efforts (and it burns caolries too!)
Scoobs:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:
Who has a vegetable garden
Well...we have a number of varieties of tomatoes, peppers, spaghetti squash, yellow squash, zuchinni, watermelon, cantalope and other melons, cucumbers, luffa, the asaragus plot is still going.....onions, garlic, etc....a few other odds and ends....all to be surrounded by an electric fence hopefully sometime this weekend if I can find the time to get it built....(lost some of my melons to racoons last year).....we are trying to grow as much as we can....even going to try some of those "upside down" tomatoes" this year...if they work we are going to put some in the greenhouse for the winter.
tony.:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:
Who has a vegetable garden
i do enjoy my garden. Weed pulling feels like meditation for me. I'm in the Desert SW -AZ so our growing season is all year except in July and Aug when it is too hot. But seasons are reversed from where I grew up in Wis. I don't plant peas until the fall season for instance. Right now my garden is similar to Mamatee's; zucchini (tried a new brand this year and don't like it) yellow squash, two different hybrid tomato plants I found in the organic seed catalog, cucumber, sunflowers;small and large, ummm... tomatillos...green chilis, Hot Lemon chile (trying new this year) Ancho chili and the usual jalepeno's. Trying to interplant stuff to keep the bugs and lizards away like green onions and marigolds.
I really loved ready about everyone's diverse gardens. Pleasant way to start the morning.Padme
AF 21, March 2010
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus
Who has a vegetable garden
This is such a great thread!I LOVE gardening. Since we moved into our house a few years ago I've been expanding the gardens as much as possible. I usually grow the basics - tomatos, green peppers, cucumbers, green beans, etc. Unfortunately, we have fence scheduled to be put in next to the gardens. I put off planting so things wouldn't get crushed...then the fence got put off so I missed my opportunity to have a real garden this year!
I did plant a herb garden in pots on the deck though - oregano, rosemary, parsley, basil, mint, lavendar, & thyme. It's so lovely to be able to just walk outside and pick some fresh herbs to go with dinner, or to just crush a few lavendar leaves for the fragrance while I'm siting outside.
Who has a vegetable garden
I love my veggie garden! Peas, 3 kinds of onions, beans, carrots, 5 kinds of tomatoes, zucchini (green, yellow, and patti pan), garlic, watermelon, pumkins, strawberries, herbs, peppers, have I forgotten anything???? I must have forgotten something and now I need to go out and buy more things to plant! Bye bye! I'm off the to the garden center!Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:
Who has a vegetable garden
I love all your posts, they have great ideas. I will be going to get plants Saturday. I did pick up the herbs already.
I do believe the mosquitos would carry me away, in Wisconsin we call the mosquito our state bird we have so many.
will report everything I plant and thru the summer what actually grew.
Who has a vegetable garden
Noella;139941 wrote: p.s., hey tony - have you had much luck with the upside down tomatoes? I want to try them, but I'm a big chicken!:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer: