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Who has a vegetable garden

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    Who has a vegetable garden

    Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onions lettuce, more and more and more in the ground for later.........
    It doesn't get much better than this!

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Who has a vegetable garden

      Lucky, It looks like one of those Furby's Remember those?

      I have tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, basil, oregano, chives, rosemary, cilantro and garlic. This is my first garden since moving to Houston so I'm waiting to see how things grow here before expanding next year. We also compost our clippings and scraps. It's almost as fun as the gardening itself.

      Popye, I've nover been successful with Leeks, what's the secret?

      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


        Who has a vegetable garden

        just started

        I have just started to grow vegetables too - I live in the south of england - any tips would be usefull as I dont know what Im doing


          Who has a vegetable garden

          I'm planting this weekend. Just a tiny little garden on the side of the house. After reading this thread, I can't wait to get started!



            Who has a vegetable garden

            My husband is the gardner in the family, I'm the canner/freezer/perserver. Because we have such a small lot in the city, he uses raised beds. They take a little while to set up but we have had great luck with them in the past. Two words: COMPOST and MULCH, these are both good things. The compost improves your soil and the mulch spares your back.

            This year we are doing tomatoes, peppers, herbs and cucumbers. Doesn't sound like much but I'll be Rockin and Rollin in the kitchen come August.


              Who has a vegetable garden

              My dawg is the gardner in our house.....
              Going by wot he has 'planted', we will have a fine crop of
              Rubber chickens (partially chewed)
              Cattle femurs
              Half gnawed tex biscuits
              Dried pigs trotters

              Oooohhhh yum, yum....can't wait 'til spring........wot a're all invited..hahahahaha


                Who has a vegetable garden

                Too funny Wee.....
                My hubby once "planted" a tomato in the woods near our farm.....LOL
                Maybe feed the dog some tomaotes and other stuff that have non-digestable seeds and you will have a garden after all!

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Who has a vegetable garden

                  dragon flies eat mosquitoes. try planting a dragon fly garden, get to work!


                    Who has a vegetable garden

                    I love my garden, I have pumpkins, squash, sugar peas, basil , lettuce, green oinions, leeks, parsnips, tomatoes and rainbow carrots!


                      Who has a vegetable garden

                      Check out this site if interested in an indoor garden:

                      Home Of The AeroGarden From AeroGrow International ::: 1-800-GROW-NOW

                      I am tempted to order it. Anyone got any personal info on it?


                        Who has a vegetable garden

                        Hey Lucky....thats cheating!
                        You wouldn't even get your hands dirty that way!

                        Not to mention the wonderful free tan I've gotten already...
                        Send me your email addresses and I'll send some pictures of a serious garden.
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Who has a vegetable garden

                          I bought the Aerogarden today. I am stoked about it. It comes with a packet of herb seeds and I bought tomato seeds also. There is no dirt - Belle is correct that my hands will not get dirty. I will set it up later today. Has a light that is automatic. You push a button telling the machine that you are growing herbs and it knows how much light to provide. It will provide different light when I tell it I am growing tomatoes. All I have to do is keep water in the machine and fertilize when the machine tells me to. And I have to pollenate the tomatoes by running my hand over the top of the plants. Bees would normally do the cross-pollenation. Reminded me of the bee issue we talked about a week or so ago. I told the lady in the store about the bee population dwindling. She thought I was nuts.


                            Who has a vegetable garden

                            Hey Belle,

                            I think you should join the site and be a pencilhead like the rest of us and then you can show off your glorious garden in the photo gallary!!!!


                              Who has a vegetable garden

                              LUCKY................I HAVE A BRAND NEW HOT PINK VIBRATOR...(For indoor pollination, of course).YOUR HANDS ARE GOING TO GET TIRED!

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10


                                Who has a vegetable garden

                                I have been reading this thread the last few days and have decided I must engage.

                                Gardening is maddening!

                                Like Lushy, was raised where gardening was not work. In Hawaii it rained everyday. You did not need to re-plant every year. There was no such thing as annuals and perennials. The soil is rich.

                                Here in the desert with high altitude, it needs watering everyday when temps are 100 most of the summer. And it is cold here 9mos out of the year. We have had snow as late as Jul and early as Sep.

                                Our concept is it must be too dumb to realize it is not supposed to survive here. Or so smart it figured it out. I feel burdened by the constant work it requires. Weeding feeding watering pruning bugs etc. So high mantenance! You are all marvels to be enthralled by it!

                                I agree with Padme - weed pulling is meditative.

                                (My houseplants are beautiful - really! Some I have had for 9yrs and are 6ft tall.)

                                * * I love Determinator * *

