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Army thread Wednesday 7 May

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    Army thread Wednesday 7 May

    Morning Army

    Elections today - want to vote as early as possible.

    Have a lovely Hump Day, everybody!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread Wednesday 7 May

    Good morning Dreamy and Molls and all who follow,

    Really value my vote, I do, just pisses me off at how long we have to wait for results here.

    Been a busy few days off, but pleasant. Back to the delightful workplace today!

    Hope ye all have a grand ol Wednesday


      Army thread Wednesday 7 May

      mollyka;1658214 wrote: Morning Peapie -- oh don't get me wrong --- do value my vote -- just not who I've to vote for ;-) Hope it's not too hard being back at work -- I was quite glad yesterday to return to normality --- did a little walk/run this morn --- just a couple of km's --- still able to breath --- wow!!!
      Wow Molls!! Good on ya girl :goodjob: Next we know ye'll be running the marathon with our MrsA What an inspiration ye are xx


        Army thread Wednesday 7 May

        :waving: Sweetypeapie and Molly!

        :goodjob: on the running, Molly - dead impressed here! And now stop raising the bar so high for the rest of us!

        How long for results to come in there, Sweets? We should have ours by Friday, the IEC said. And all of them, no matter where, are greedy and incompetent.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army thread Wednesday 7 May

          Good morning Dreamy, Molls and PeaPod

          We're hoping that if there's a queue at the polling station, mum's presence will allow us to go to the front
          Not likely to be busy if we go early, though - we're in the same voting district as the Uni, and I suspect the students are still sleeping off their hangovers.

          Very odd thing in our neighbouring province: because it's voting day, all bars are allowed to stay open 24 hours. WTF? This is in an area where FAS is prevalent and drink-fueled violence and crime is rife. Go figure...
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army thread Wednesday 7 May

            Dreamy, I'm tempted to ask the person posting under Molls' name who she is and what's she's done with the real Molls :H

            Get thee on the couch, woman!
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army thread Wednesday 7 May

              tiptronic_ct;1658228 wrote: Dreamy, I'm tempted to ask the person posting under Molls' name who she is and what's she's done with the real Molls :H

              Get thee on the couch, woman!
              Good morning Army, following the Saffa elections from the UK very interesting.

              Off to do a bit of paid work to pay the bills:new:


                Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                i walk fast, does that count?

                we have euro elections coming up here. never get any information about the candidates for any election round here, they dont bother. so i put on fb whichever party delivers information to me i will vote for.

                had 2 flyers for ukip so far :H


                  Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                  Tips, I'm sure that back in the bad old days bars weren't allowed to open on polling day? And you could actually tell by the pancake tables who would win - voters supported the opposition's table, since they didn't want to waste party funds by getting free pancakes from their own side! And this 24 hour policy - is it the whole of northern Cape of just Kimberley? A report I skimmed yesterday mentioned only KBY. Hope granny T fast-tracked you!


                  Shower, vote, then see what the day brings. If the queue is long, I may just raid the old-age home.
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                    Patriotic duty done after a very short wait; knew the person at the scanner desk, so had a good old gossip.

                    Now the long wait!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                      Good morning Dreamydooooo, Mollymoooo, Sweetypie, Tippperooo,Our Whizzy, Roxxy

                      We've got local elections as well as MEP elections.
                      Funny (not ha ha funny) that the pubs are open all day in SA as I knew there were reasons why polling day over here is always Thursdays now and have been since 1918.............

                      ............One of reasons is that when people were weekly paid, they would be paid on Friday and having money at the end of the week, they'd go out to the pub on Friday... so Thursday was the day of the week they'd most likely be sober.

                      Obviously these days with booze being available 24 hours a day over here its historic.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                        good luck with the tooth thing molly.

                        i noticed its always thursday to vote here but didnt know the reason, thanks JC.


                          Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                          Yukkity yuk the plasticine thing in your mouth...........gack.

                          Don't think its set in stone.

                          I once counted votes in the local elections.........quite interesting........although I think we must have had the smallest borough in the county. Votes came in at 10pm and we were finished by 11pm...and that was with a re-count.....some of them were there 'til the early morning.

                          Oh and they had this big red line round the counting desks that candidates couldn't cross........they just sort of hovered outside them.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                            Molly, if only somebody could invent a silent drill, going to the dentist would be so much more agreeable.

                            Thursday elections history makes a lot of sense, JC.

                            Thanks goodness drinking spots are open only in one province - and, as Tips said, one with high FAS figures sadly - along with the Western Cape, the highest in the country, as far as I know.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army thread Wednesday 7 May

                              Our smallest voting district is Robben Island, with 70 registered voters, apparently! Their results are expected first, weather permitting of course, since the paper work has to be handed over in person in CT.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

