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Many methods to quit

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    Many methods to quit

    I thought this would be not so bad when I looked at a January 1 jump off date.

    It has been extremely tough.

    I was all prepared to go on January 1st. I stocked up on Glutamine, amino acids, vitamins, Kudzu, etc. I was ready for the battle. I had other strategies in mind. January 1st, I went out for a jog, had dinner with family, then came home alone. Night is my witching hours. What the hell do I do if I don't drink beer? Ugh. I bought some ice cream and ate it while killing time on the internet. I need a night time strategy.

    I never drink during the day or when I go out. It is only at night before bed. That is MY time.

    Anyway, this lasted for a few days or so.

    Hey one beer won't hurt. Well, it does.

    I tried my next tier of attack-- Faster EFT. I had seen the Youtube of Faster EFT "curing" addictions.

    I signed up with a Faster EFT practioner. I did 2 sessions. Nope it didn't crack my beer addiction. Tried another practioner, still no luck.

    Okay, next plan. I head that Psych-k could cure addictions.

    I tried a practioner and did 2 sessions. No luck.

    My next plan is to try Ayurvedic medicine and NLP.

    Home Page

    All these modalities say that there is a cure for alcoholism. I don't know. Sometimes I think I just need something better to do at night before bed. What do you guys do?

    Many methods to quit

    Hi Senin

    Wow you have tried a lot, maybe you are trying too hard and it becomes too much for you to deal with. The witching hour is hard but those cravings do go eventually until the hour is just another hour of the day.

    When i first gave up drinking i watched a lot of youtube regarding alcoholism (thinking i was never THAT bad), oh yep right and also movies regarding alcoholism also. i read on here and posted like a lunatic to pass the time until i was tired enough to sleep. Sleep was rough for a few weeks but that passes. Sugar was a huge part of my life also but thats ok as i was not drinking. I have never been a sweet person (food wise) until giving up al but now i am sure i have shares in a confectionary factory. I now knit or read. The one thing i do recommend is taking one day at a time and for that day dont drink. Dont make too many plans as it becomes overwhelming and then we get stressed and drink. Take it easy in the first few weeks.

    I personally do not believe that i will ever be cured of alcoholism but i can live with it in my life and if that means i can never drink then so be it. Accepting never drinking is very hard and it may take a few times to realise that you cannot moderate at all and that the only road you can travel is as a non drinker. It is the best road i have ever taken and i will continue to fight daily for my sobriety.

    Good luck
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Many methods to quit

      my thoughts line up with available. I will be a problem drinker when ever i drink for the rest of my life.
      I had the issue with drinks before bed too, I went to bed Soooo early for the first few weeks until the campril kicked in.
      AF since 10/26/2009

      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


        Many methods to quit

        Maybe your most recent efforts are relying too much on others instead of looking inside yourself. I used many strategies on the list you can reach through the link in my signature line. The list I posted here has a lot of redundancies . I made one of my own, it became a tool itself: just working on it strengthened my resolve.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Many methods to quit


          There are many ways to quit. I quit twice with AA and once with RR. I finally quit with the help of baclofen.

          I am a complementary health practitioner and patients ask me to help them quit food addictions, alcohol dependency and smoking. I always tell them the treatments are not a miracle and that they really have to put a lot of personal work into the plan.

          I wish you luck.


            Many methods to quit

            I always found it extremely challenging to be alone with just me and my alcohol thoughts. I did find one sure fire remedy to help me during the "craving" hours: I committed to a time and place to be around others and try to help them. It was during those times that I thought less about drinking and more about others. I'm a fairly selfish person, so maybe that it is why it helped me so much?


              Many methods to quit

              Thanks for the input.

              Does anyone have any experience with Faster EFT or Psych-K or NLP?


                Many methods to quit

                Hi Senin,

                I think Ava has given u great advice. I dont think there is any quick fix, just very hard work.

                Best regards
                Still trying !!!
                AF 25th June2014

