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Hello again! And a Favor?

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    Hello again! And a Favor?

    Hello everyone!

    Some of you may remember me. I haven't "been here" for a while, though I've had a look on the boards from time to time. I hope everyone's doing well! I'm still enjoying sobriety, helping others and have recently become a trustee for a local drug and alcohol charity too. Cool stuff!

    Anyway, I have a little offer and/or favor. I released a book called The Happy Addict: How To Be Happy In Recovery From Alcoholism or Drug Addiction last summer. It's got great reviews on and a nice review in Addiction Treatment Magazine here. So far, there are no reviews on the Amazon US site yet, which is such a shame!

    So, I thought, why not offer the book for free to some of my MWO buddies, and if you like it, maybe you could post a review for it to Amazon. If anyone wants to get a free book, drop me a line at beth[at]smyls[dot]co[dot]uk letting me know you're from MWO, and I'll send you the PDF.

    Of course, you're welcome to have the book wherever you are in the world. And do let me know how you're all doing as well! This place was such a refuge for me when I was suffering from my problems. Big :l to all of you for helping me on my journey.

    Love and gratitude,
    K (aka Beth) x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

    Recovery Videos

    Hello again! And a Favor?

    Congrats Beth on getting your book published, you must be very very proud. I for one will be emailing you. I have just looked into doing a Drug and Al certificate course so fingers crossed it is within my budget. I too would like to give back what i am learning on this journey to being sober.

    I agree totally with you that i would not be where i am todayf without this wonderful site.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Hello again! And a Favor?

      Thanks! I just replied to your email. I think one of the most rewarding things about having this particular issue is the ability to help others when we're in recovery. I think the people who have been through these things make the best Drug and Alcohol workers.
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        Hello again! And a Favor?

        Just sent you one as well, Kimberley. Going to take it into the addiction place I volunteer at.

        And Kimberly its just lovely to see you doing so well.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Hello again! And a Favor?

          Thanks JC! :l
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            Hello again! And a Favor?

            Kimberley, what an achievement! Getting and staying sober, and helping other by telling about your experiences. I've emailed you about it.

            Ava, hope your certificate plans work out! Yip, we should know best, shouldn't we?
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Hello again! And a Favor?

              i found some of your posts a few days ago and up you pop!

              i saw that you also wrote a book before this one, the name escapes me, is it still available?

              i love that you are paying it forward so to speak., we can only benefit from that. thank you!

              oh, and spent a wonderful evening following you and tigger round my old home town.


                Hello again! And a Favor?

                Thanks DTD - it's a very rewarding path
                Recovery Coaching website

                "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                Recovery Videos


                  Hello again! And a Favor?

                  Already started reading it, Kimberley - thanks so much!
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Hello again! And a Favor?

                    Hi Roxane!

                    Yes I also wrote "The Recovery Formula", which is on all the Amazon sites and in some bookstores.

                    Oooh I loved the Tigger tour sooo much! I'll have to take a look back at that thread - thanks for reminding me

                    B x
                    Recovery Coaching website

                    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                    Recovery Videos


                      Hello again! And a Favor?

                      No problem Dream - hope you enjoy it!
                      Recovery Coaching website

                      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                      Recovery Videos


                        Hello again! And a Favor?

                        amazon, frequently bought together;


                        along with happy addict.

                        and ive forgotten my amazon log in. with old email. doh.


                          Hello again! And a Favor?

                          sorted out amazon details, updated my expired card details and ordered both.

                          one other job done thats been ignored.


                            Hello again! And a Favor?

                            Oh thank you Roxane. I hope you enjoy them! I just had a look at the old Tigger tour thread. It totally cracked me up :H Back to work now!
                            Recovery Coaching website

                            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                            Recovery Videos


                              Hello again! And a Favor?

                              Kimberley;1658241 wrote: So far, there are no reviews on the Amazon US site yet, which is such a shame!
                              Heya, I just bought the Kindle version, so I can post an honest review on the .com site. Will read it first though!

