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Sorry....but couldn't do it.

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    Sorry....but couldn't do it.

    I would like to say thanks to all your words of encouragement, however I am sorry but I caved in yesterday.

    I went into the supermarket after work last night with good intentions (to buy a non-alcoholic drink) but ended up with a bottle of wine. I know it was wrong but I felt guilty that any other time I don't even need an excuse to drink and now my husband has good news I didn't want to be the one to put a dampen on it by not joining him in his celebration. How wrong was I!!! Got home and he had already started drinking. This wound me up because we were going to toast his success together. So I went upstairs and drank the whole bottle of wine?..I needn't use a glass!!

    Anyway after dinner we got into an argument. He just never has time for me. Not emotionally nor physically. I know I have let myself go over the years, but he should be supporting me not putting me down.

    "Serves me right" for drinking??

    Sorry....but couldn't do it.

    Lotus Love,

    It doesn't serve you right!!! He should be supporting how far you have come since you found MYO, don't beat yourself, just be positive and get back on track, but do it for you, not him!!!!!

    Keep your chin up, Love BB xx


      Sorry....but couldn't do it.

      Hey Lotus,

      What you did wansn't "wrong". It was a mistake, that's all. Today's a new day and the future is wide open.

      I'm sorry to hear about the argument with your husband. It's always so awful when something that was supposed to be a celebration turns in to an argument.

      I agree with BB though, do this for yourself, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty or put you down.


        Sorry....but couldn't do it.

        All you did was make a mistake, human nature. I've made so many, and each one that
        i've made has taught me something, usually that i'ts not worth it. Do'nt beat yourself up,
        just brush yourself down and turn the page, a new day beckons.
        Love Paula.


          Sorry....but couldn't do it.

          Hey honey everybody has the right to be valued you included. What you did was niether wrong nor right it was just what you did. He has no right to put you down, don't give him permission to put you down don't except that from him. If you feel you have let yourself go o.k that is your feeling don't let him make you feel that, feel that because that is how "you" feel not because he wants you to feel that. You are a person and a good person and if he doesn't realise that then it is his loss honey you are trying to do something for yourself to better yourself and you are doing a great job. Tomorrow is another day dust off and start again, it is a hard road but one we all face. My thoughts are with you. Kimbo
          Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


            Sorry....but couldn't do it.

            I'm sorry. I would have done the same thing..and probably not have used a glass either. Why bother right?

            Don't be hard on yourself; you came home expecting an 'us' night, and he turned it into a 'him' night. I would have been really upset if my husband did not wait either. I'm sorry you had an argument, that never helps anything and just adds more fuel to an already burning fire.

            Be good to yourself; you are worth it. Regardless of what you or he may think of at this moment; you are. And you know you are.


              Sorry....but couldn't do it.

              I also did ti

              Hi Lotus,

              Do not worry. I did the same last night. I did not even have the power to last for 4 days AF. I had 4 pints in a row. Sorry people


                Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                I would probably have done the same however I am married to someone who hardly ever drinks and when you have a drink problem that is so hard to live up to. I sometimes think rightly or wrongly that if my husband drank and on the odd occassion had a bit too much then I would not drink as much. I dont know if that is fair though as I would not encourage any one too drink but sometimes he is so perfect that my mistakes seem so much bigger.
                When I go out with my friends I never have too much, just at home in secret places greenhouse etc and then I drink it really quick and end up drunk. oh well heigh ho!!


                  Sorry....but couldn't do it.


                  I would have been mad too. It sounds like you are a bit frustrated with some relationship issues and they may be feeding the alcohol issue? Don't be too hard on yourself and don't take all the blame today. Just hope back into the game here. We all have these blips and false starts.:hug:


                    Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                    That would be hop, not hope!


                      Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                      whats with the sorrys, we dont have to be sorry here we are all in the same boat, we all have the same problem with alcohol and if it was that easy to stop there would be no need for this site the good thing is we can come here and vent. just take it a day at a time


                        Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                        Lotus you don't have to apologize for anything. You bought the wine with 'good intentions' and you wanted to partake in the celebration with your husband. If anything he was the damper in this. So sorry it didn't work out as you planned.


                          Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                          Just wanted to say a BIG :thanks: for all your lovely and wonderful words. I am feeling much better than I was earlier.

                          I feel much stronger now to start again. Day 1 today...should be good as normally weekends are an excuse to drink more as I don't have to worry about getting up early and going to work.

                          Again thank you all.

                          Love Mandy x


                            Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                            Don't beat yourself up and don't let your husband beat you up either. You're working at improving your life and tomorrow is a new day.


                              Sorry....but couldn't do it.

                              Hey lotus,
                              While I didn't get into a fight last night, I too drank WAY more than I intended to (wanted a single martini, wound up with a pint of vodka and 2 glasses of wine in me). I too have been beating myself up about it (the hangover isn't making it any beter) :yuk:

                              In my humble opinion, no one's perfect, and you're doing the right thing by coming here to post and work things through for youself, so let hubby "take a long walk off a short pier" (as my gram used to say) and give yourself a pat on tha back. :l

                              I'm going back to my "roots" by starting my 30 days AF again, so if you're looking for a buddy to work through things with, I'm here!

