But anyway, I just felt like giving you and update on how I'm going with it and to save me from reiterating, I just thought I'd copy and paste the email I've just sent my sister re Topa.
Bizarre!! Twilight zone ~~~
Mick and I just got back from dinner…. Mick drove there… I drove back!
Here’s the story – we dropped Chris to his school disco (dressed as the cutest pirate you’ve ever seen – although he out right refused to let me put smudged mascara and draw eyeliner on him --- god damn it!) and so then Mick and I went to our favorite thai restaurant via the bottle shop for a bottle of white vino. As Mick poured the second glasses, I realized I *really* did not feel like drinking any more… *hello* lol this is me talking here!! But of course me being me… I persevred! Lol… but I also ended up pouring most of it back into the bottle as we signed the bill to leave, so we could bring it home… you know… just in case we wanted some later. It was a $35 bottle after all.
So I’m sitting here with the reconstituted glass of wine in front of me! But it is only my 2nd glass on a Friday night… and even though it is chemically induced moderation I’m pretty damned happy about it. We went for a run at 6pm so that would’ve helped too
