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Is this normal?

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    Is this normal?

    I'm on about day 5 of using beer to taper off a minimum of 350ml of vodka/jagermeister every day for a few months. Was binge drinking every night to the point of passing out and not remembering anything. Downing shot after shot

    Anyhow..... keeping the shakes tolerable by tapering with beer and the nausea is about gone altogether. Stomach feels better and throat not raw feeling anymore but I'm experiencing this odd fog and sensation of things happening that aren't. Example...I put my car into park and when I start to get out and I sense that it's rolling when it's not. I feel "ditzy" or confused. Keep thinking I'm forgetting things that I'm not. Does anyone remember this being part of your withdrawal experience?


    Is this normal?

    leann1967;1659300 wrote: I'm on about day 5 of using beer to taper off a minimum of 350ml of vodka/jagermeister every day for a few months. Was binge drinking every night to the point of passing out and not remembering anything. Downing shot after shot

    Anyhow..... keeping the shakes tolerable by tapering with beer and the nausea is about gone altogether. Stomach feels better and throat not raw feeling anymore but I'm experiencing this odd fog and sensation of things happening that aren't. Example...I put my car into park and when I start to get out and I sense that it's rolling when it's not. I feel "ditzy" or confused. Keep thinking I'm forgetting things that I'm not. Does anyone remember this being part of your withdrawal experience?


    Hi Leann -You need to consider getting medical assistance in your detox-now
    . You have made the great decision to quit and now you need to seek help. Withdrawal from alcohol can be very dangerous to deadly. If you can, just ask for help from your medical community. You do not have to be ashamed or feel guilty for asking for help -they will understand.


      Is this normal?

      Thanks spiritwolf. I'm actually doing pretty good. I was in really sad shape when I decided to stop drinking and had no idea I was addicted to it. that was some scarry stuff! I remember seeing colored stick men dancing in my hallway! This site is where I read about tapering and so far I'm doing good. I'm Getting better. I was worried about it taking me a week but the hams taper page said as long as your consistantly reducing the amount..... If I don't have this nipped by Monday I'll see a doc.


        Is this normal?

        In my opinion,fogginess and dizziness is normal at first,pounding headaches etc,however Leann,if things start getting too weird,please go to the doctor! i read you'll be alone this weekend,try and have someone close and check-in here,big hugs to you
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Is this normal?

          thanks Paulywogg! The last 2 days I feel like I'm living here on the board. But right now, ya'll are all I have. He just texted me he's not leaving till sunday morning. He owns a company that makes military training stuff and he's got to go do an install and will be gone up to a few weeks perhaps. Hate it. He's my bff. married last year and we've never ever had an argument. I don't like being away from him however, this will give me a chance to get my stuff together and be back to old me before he returns.

          Been staying busy doing housework. But right now, I think I have a jacuzzi that's calling my name. Gonna go soak for a bit maybe do a self pedi :-) My skin is so dried out right now. Guess I need more water since I'm drinking beer. Thanks again to all!!


            Is this normal?

            The things you are going thru don't seem like normal withdrawal to me. You have been off the hard liquor for a week and it just doesn't seem right that this is going on. Do you take any liver supplements? I would say to quit the beer completely by now and drinks lots and lots of water with lemon. Also get lots of rest and eat well.

            If you get any more strange sensations I would get to the doctor ASAP! I know you are worried about that but this can be life and death and that is no exaggeration.
            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


              Is this normal?

              Hi Leann - I guess I sometimes over react to situations but I really don't think that is such a bad thing when it comes to medical situations. I am sure you will be quite fine whatever route you should choose to take. However, after having read your threads and posts describing your conditions, it really does seem like you need to seek medical advice and oversight. I commend you for all that you trying to do. But the symptoms you are describing are very similar to DTs. You might not want to be in this condition and you might not like being so, but you are where you are. (I have had to tell myself this several times before)

              Take care and get ready for a great life once the alcohol is gone.

              Alcohol Withdrawal Guide: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
              "Delirium tremens ? Delirium tremens commonly begins two to three days after the last alcohol drink, but it may be delayed more than a week. Its peak intensity is usually four to five days after the last drink. This condition causes dangerous shifts in your breathing, your circulation and your temperature control. It can cause your heart to race dangerously or can cause your blood pressure to increase dramatically, and it can cause dangerous dehydration. Delirium tremens also can temporarily reduce the amount of blood flow to your brain. Symptoms can include confusion, disorientation, stupor or loss of consciousness, nervous or angry behavior, irrational beliefs, soaking sweats, sleep disturbances and hallucinations."


                Is this normal?

                Having also read your threads it seems that you really should get some medical help. It does not sound normal as to what you are going through. Most of us in MWO do not quit through tapering with beer. Some have done this that is true but it's a dicey situation and you need to be careful.


                  Is this normal?

                  How are you doing today Leann? How did the weekend go? Are you done with the taper now?

                  Please check in and let us know.
                  AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                  Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                    Is this normal?

                    Hey Red. Havent been on in a few days been staying busy outside the house. Weekend didn't go well, My husband was scheduled to leave town Sunday so my "plan" was to stop altogether as soon as he left. But here's how it went:

                    Friday night I was on the back deck and he (having no idea what I was going thru) was so very kind enough to bring me a mixed drink out (urgh!) I told myself "i'm doing good, as long as I don't get stupid about this everything wil be fine" And of course as to be expected one led to 2 which ended up with 4-5 (don't remember)

                    So Saturday morning I was all upset about it and figured that's ok, I'll get back on my taper and get with the program. Did ok keeping shakes at bay on Saturday till nighttime rolled around. He was leaving the next morning, I was feeling like total crap and was trying to hide it from him. Kindof hard to be intimate with your husband before he leaves town when your hurdleing your guts up in the toilet. Figured I'd screwed up the night before, just go for it so you'll feel better not be vomiting and shaking then deal with it when he leaves. I swear I didn't even WANT to drink I wanted the withdrawals to go away. He left sunday morning. Back to the beer on Sunday. Sunday night was refusing to give in. I wanted out. Didn't touch any liquor and honestly didn't want any.. Till I woke up at 1am shaking so bad I couldn't take a drink from my water bottle and was throwing up again. Got up, had one shot of jager and was able to go back to sleep.

                    Monday rolls around. I know I'm a smart well educated person. Now I was on beer during the day and liquor at night. GREAT!!!!!! Backfired on my butt! I knew fully what I was doing and where I was headed if I didn't pull my head out of my a$$. I called 3 different doctors here and low and behold NONE of them will treat ANY addiction. It's detox centers or on your own. Now I was faced with a dilema. DETOX CENTER!?? No way no way no way. I'm better than this. Telling myself either get your crap together or give in and fight this crap for years like so many others are doing. So....

                    I made a chart on the computer on what I was allowed to drink as far as the beer. Also realized I was drinking more beer previously than needed. If I was going to do this need to not drink enough to "feel better" but only enough to function. I didn't leave my house all day monday. Touched no liquor monday night. Didn't sleep 2 solid hours that night. Continued shaking but not so bad that I couldn't function. On tuesday stuck with my new plan and forced myself to do things to stay busy. Tuesday night didn't sleep again. Was up taking a zacuzzi bath at 2a.m. But by wednesday I was having 1/4 of a beer every 3-4 hours. My last sip of beer was Wednesday night. a day and a half now.

                    I feel really good. I actually feel normal and forgot what that had felt like! There's plenty of beer and liquor in my house. I'm not craving at all. Happy to be off it. I'm thinking of flying out this weekend to where my husband is. I'll be gone 1-2 weeks and there's no alcohol available there as he won't be drinking while he's working.

                    BUT, I've decided to tell him about what I just went through. He's my bff and I need to let him know that as strong as a person I am, I may need his assistance at staying away or if I do ever drink again to help ensure I'm keeping it in check. No intentions on drinking again but I'm just saying if anything comes up in the future he's gonna have to have my back and I'd want to do the same if this were him :-)


                      Is this normal?

                      Leann, for what it's worth, well done on persevering......imagine having to go through all that again!
                      Onwards and upwards from here!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Is this normal?

                        Thanks daisy! One HUGE thingI had to realize is using beer to taper does NOT mean use it to avoid withdrawal altogether. Use it to make the withdrawals more tolerable so your able to function.

                        Second thing I realize that stuff is MUCH bigger than I. I will never be so cocky as to think I can play with fire and not get burnt. I was completely blown away at my experience with alcohol. Had no idea I was addicted to it, never had a drug or alcohol problem before in my life. I just got too cocky drinking every day hard liquor not even thinking of the fact that my body could get addicted. I am SO SO glad that I was only in it a few months and had the brains to immediately see when I had a problem and get it nipped in the bud. Yes, I had a few bumps nipping it but, today it's nipped. Don't wanna travel that nasty road again. Never thought it could happen to "someone like me"....... Hurled over the toilet with my intestines trying to come up, while my eyeballs felt like they were gonna pop out, and my hands shaking like I had Parkinsons disease! Lovely it was! lol

                        I have such an awesome life! I have a bff and soul mate for my husband and we've never argued. Fortunate enough to not have to work. There's no way I'm going to let some liquid ruin all this for me!

                        :thanks: to everyone.

