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Army Thread Sunday 11th May ;)

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    Army Thread Sunday 11th May ;)

    Gooood morning Army

    Gerrup yis lazy shower!!

    Dreamy! Where's ma coffee?? Oh aye, alright for ye off on a durty weekend! I'm jealous pure and simple.

    Another day in the madhouse looms- tis all fun.

    Molls hope ye get to see the cyclists go past yer way today- regret not going down to see them meself- ah well.....

    Happy Sunday all, laters xxx

    Army Thread Sunday 11th May



      Army Thread Sunday 11th May

      FFS this is a ridiculous hour of the morning to be awake on a Sunday - :wahh:


        Army Thread Sunday 11th May

        Morning Sweetie and Satz just havin me first coffee here. Its like winter again this morning. Its freazin and blustery.:cupajoe:
        If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


          Army Thread Sunday 11th May

          Rant alert

          Mornn' Molls & Foxy
          Sweetie's gone to work I'd say........

          Got message from my sister yesterday that my mother was BORED when she called up and what was I doing with her today...........grrrr
          My sister is afraid of her life she'll get the brunt of everything going forward.

          FFS she's beside her there as are my 2 useless brothers.


            Army Thread Sunday 11th May

            I know Molly I watched most of the Eurovision as I was flicking channels as well. There wasn't much on. I don't really bother with it and I don't watch the semi's or anything like that I guess I was just bored lol. Anyways be back later going to make porridge and another coffee.:cupajoe:
            If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


              Army Thread Sunday 11th May

              mollyka;1659898 wrote: Alright --- goin to stick my beak in here --- this is something that I know an AWFUL lot about --- mum's old age sorta got foisted on us -- in that she was perfectly well and active and relatively young (just 80) when she had her major heart attack - and we had NO plans in place --- my opportunistic eldest sister saw an opportunity for a home and money and leapt in there like an olympic high jumper --- the other sister with loads of money and (in her opinion) not enough time saw the opportunity of having the eldest in situ to mind mum and condoned the whole thing ----- me --- piggy in the fucking middle -- picking up the pieces of mum's unhappiness and it caused such dreadful unhappiness - not least for my mum --- and it absolutely catapulted me into (already lurking) freefall alcoholism......

              You have a chance here while your mum is in (relatively) the whole of her health (mental health mainly I'm talking about here) --- to make arrangements with your siblings --- you know the sort of thing 'mum needs company ...... days a week -- you do .... and I'll do ......' INCLUDING your useless brothers --- I had no brothers but my daughter has 3 and I do know they can be useless, but they'll hop to her tune when she lays down the law --- get it sorted Benjy before you are IN the chaos ---- please:l:l:l
              I know Molls you are right - and I have spoken to the 2 feckers before.
              They won't change so it is down to me & sis.
              it'll be ok - I don't mind doing anything- it's only when I see others slacking that I
              get pissed off - but they have their conscience to deal with themselves.
              So I will hot foot it up there this afternoon and if I feel it's warranted I will call a family meeting. I'm the big sis -so they'll take need....:H

              Having said all that .....
              Jesus we all get bored on a wet Saturday no matter what age.

              Her car in in being fixed after the latest bash .... so she's housebound - but we can't be there all the time.

              I know it sounds harsh but them's the facts. She is still mobile and fit and no illnesses.

              Am I a COW ??


                Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                Johnny Foreigner reporting for duty.


                  Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                  Is she a real 'foreigner' though ?


                    Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                    mollyka;1659903 wrote: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! And I agree -- FOR NOW --- no prob with her being bored for a day -- never killed anyone --- but I'm talking about down the road.... when she really CAN'T be on her own --- and it comes to us all --- and whatever you set in place now will be the way it'll be when it's a 7 day a week job ---- so I would definitely call that family meeting --- not for NOW -- but when LITERALLY someone has to be there everyday --- and it comes..... believe me!!!!
                    Ye know that is a GREAT idea.
                    I also have the unwavering support of Mr S who goes up mid-week and does her garden - and has been known to bring her out for sneaky lunch when we are all working and LOVES her to bits.
                    HE does the 'son' bit ....
                    And DD is very good too will always take time out to visit.

                    But yes you are right a SOLID plan is called for ...
                    Thanks for advice :l

                    Pissing rain here :yay: don't have to get mobile for a long while ..


                      Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                      mollyka;1659905 wrote: :H ah it was power in numbers when we still had Sweetie and Foxy --- reckon we're just two 'umble Oirish gurls now --- no more bullyin:H
                      Poke her with a stick there Molls - think she's gone asleep again.:H:H


                        Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                        Morning all and nice to see another Dub on here , hiya Foxy.
                        Hope things get sorted with the family Satz , It seems to be a common problem with many families.
                        I d be listening to l our Molly (enjoy your peaceful morning Molls) .

                        Well i survived a family 21st last night, even managed to embarass my sons with some dancing.
                        My boys said "theres an excuse for Mam , she's had a few glasses of wine".
                        It made me smile.
                        We brought my elderly father in law home.
                        We were only home and got a call from his security thing that he pressed his alarm.
                        So needed to drive back to him . He had a small fall getting into bed and couldnt get back up .
                        But he was fine. Just as well I wasnt drinking so we could get to him fairly quickly.
                        One of the many reasons I wake up this morning hangover free very grateful to be sober.
                        Off out now for a late long run , and later today to watch my 14 yr old nephew play in a cup final.

                        Hope everyone here has a lovely day.

                        Damo , still, in Dublin
                        Still trying !!!
                        AF 25th June2014


                          Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                          Morning all and nice to see another Dub on here , hiya Foxy.
                          Hope things get sorted with the family Satz , It seems to be a common problem with many families.
                          I d be listening to l our Molly (enjoy your peaceful morning Molls) .

                          Well i survived a family 21st last night, even managed to embarass my sons with some dancing.
                          My boys said "theres an excuse for Mam , she's had a few glasses of wine".
                          It made me smile.
                          We brought my elderly father in law home.
                          We were only home and got a call from his security thing that he pressed his alarm.
                          So needed to drive back to him . He had a small fall getting into bed and couldnt get back up .
                          But he was fine. Just as well I wasnt drinking so we could get to him fairly quickly.
                          One of the many reasons I wake up this morning hangover free very grateful to be sober.
                          Off out now for a late long run , and later today to watch my 14 yr old nephew play in a cup final.

                          Hope everyone here has a lovely day.

                          Damo , still, in Dublin
                          Still trying !!!
                          AF 25th June2014


                            Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                            damo180;1659908 wrote: Morning all and nice to see another Dub on here , hiya Foxy.
                            Hope things get sorted with the family Satz , It seems to be a common problem with many families.
                            I d be listening to l our Molly (enjoy your peaceful morning Molls) .

                            Well i survived a family 21st last night, even managed to embarass my sons with some dancing.
                            My boys said "theres an excuse for Mam , she's had a few glasses of wine".
                            It made me smile.
                            We brought my elderly father in law home.
                            We were only home and got a call from his security thing that he pressed his alarm.
                            So needed to drive back to him . He had a small fall getting into bed and couldnt get back up .
                            But he was fine. Just as well I wasnt drinking so we could get to him fairly quickly.
                            One of the many reasons I wake up this morning hangover free very grateful to be sober.
                            Off out now for a late long run , and later today to watch my 14 yr old nephew play in a cup final.

                            Hope everyone here has a lovely day.

                            Damo , still, in Dublin
                            Ah Ken that is a GREAT story - one to go down in the annals. I bet your wife was so proud & CHUFFED with you :l


                              Army Thread Sunday 11th May

                              mollyka;1659910 wrote: oh thank you for listening --- I'm a bit of a 'voice crying in the wilderness' re. this one --- coupla people at work heading into the same situation --- I had Joe and the kids as well and they ADORED my mum --- but it all became so AWFUL that they sort of backed off and left me to it -- they (well Joe in particular) have HUGE guilt about that - it was a natural reaction I s'pose - but cowardly -- my sisters were bullies and my family let them bully me........
                              Take these Molls:l:l

                              And after hearing Ken's story I am soooooooooooo glad to be sober - 'cos really need to be on the alert with old folk in the mix eh?

