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Just one litte drink

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    Just one litte drink

    Mossrose I have experienced several growth spurts. It is confusing and sometimes painful.
    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Just one litte drink

      Mossy -

      I agree with everyone above - getting through those tough emotions is fairly new (and I have those horrible down moments, too), and requires practice. Ultimately, getting through them (they are part of life) instead of stuffing them inside with alcohol, will be better for you.

      I love what Pinecone said - one little drink isn't how we roll.



        Just one litte drink

        I took some time to really read all of your posts and let the wisdom of your words sink in before I responded. I can't thank all of you enough for your kind words, support, and hard truths. This is reality - something I have been running from my whole life. Another chicken and egg situation. I wonder now if I began drinking back in my youth because I wasn't equipped to deal with my overwhelming emotions. I spent the last three years in weekly therapy and waited for something profound...a diagnosis...a reason...a damn explanation. Something that meds could fix!! Right? But it never came. I was just told that I have to learn new "coping mechanisms," I had to learn to stop being a "people-pleaser." Basically there was nothing wrong with my brain - it was my personality that was at fault. Tough to swallow, but oh so true. How do you construct a new personality at my age? I'm not sure it's possible.

        Anyway, Byrdie, I took your advice and didn't start on any meds. And to everyone else who reminded me that I need to sit with these feelings, no matter how uncomfortable, my undying gratitude.

        Just heard from my mom. My brother has been released and the family is in total turmoil. Too much to go into, but the future looks bleak. The hospital released him without training any of us on trach care or feeding tubes, or really anything. So now, we are just thrown out there. Well, I've been researching all day, because he's not dying on my watch. Sounds grim. But I was a Girl Scout - so always be prepared. Cancer sucks!
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Just one litte drink

          Hi MR,

          I have read a lot of your posts recently and you are an inspiration to ne.
          Love your honesty. You are helping me stay sober. I am just over 3 months AF.

          Among many others, Byrdlady, you are such a massive help around this site , thank you x .

          Have a great day all

          Kicking Ken


            Just one litte drink

            Hi Ken. Thanks for the kind words and congrats on 3 months. That's inspiring. Yes, Byrdie is one of the MWO angels. I don't know why she does all that she does, but Thank God for her. Take care and keep posting. I haven't read your story yet. I will do that now. Nice to meet you.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Just one litte drink

              I just saw this post, Moss. Have you all figured out how to care for your brother? I had a family member sent home 4 days after a major operation and it was very scary and intimidating so I have a glimpse of how you must feel. I hope everyone is finding a routine. xx- NS


                Just one litte drink

                Hi NS. Yes, we are finally getting organized and calmer. I think we all went into shock right after the diagnosis, and weren't thinking straight. I know I wasn't. He is home and wants to spend the next few days being as normal as possible. His treatments start on Monday, so he's enjoying not being a "patient" for a few days, if that makes sense. We drop in, but he wants his independence right now, so we are respecting that. Thanks for asking.

                ps - he has nurses coming every day to help. They are such angels. Honestly, I want to hug a nurse tonight for all they do.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Just one litte drink

                  MR - I am glad you are getting some support. To send your brother home without the training etc was not appropriate.
                  Sounds like a long tough journey ahead - make sure you take good care of yourself too.
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Just one litte drink

                    Thank you SL. :l
                    Everything is going to be amazing

