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Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

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    Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

    Good morning Army

    I hope everyone will have a lekker Tuesday!

    Where's my coffee Dreamy?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

    Morning Impatient Smiling Tips and rest of Army!

    Hug bucket refilled.

    Still trying to wake up here; seems like a beautiful day - we've had some candy floss clouds earlier.

    Satzy - and everybody else - have a great day.

    Talk later.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

      Good morning MrT, Dreamy and all to come

      Yis were all snoring by time I got home last night! Another long one ahead for me today:upset:

      Hope everybody has a great day xx


        Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

        :waving: Sweetiepeapie and Molly! :waving:
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

          Morning all. Nice bright morning here but still cold for this time of year. According to forecast its to get warmer over the next few days. Lovely colourful mug dreamy ta for the cawfee. Going to the ladies AA meeting at 1pm today its been a while since I was at any so best for me to start getting a few meetings in si I can continue sober. After that i'm off to visit my sister in Bray. Have a terrific Tuesday be back later.:sun::cupajoe:
          If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


            Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

            Morning all. Nice bright morning here but still cold for this time of year. According to forecast its to get warmer over the next few days. Lovely colourful mug dreamy ta for the cawfee. Going to the ladies AA meeting at 1pm today its been a while since I was at any so best for me to start getting a few meetings in so I can continue sober. After that i'm off to visit my sister in Bray. Have a terrific Tuesday be back later.:sun::cupajoe:
            If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


              Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

              Molly, 2 lbs are still 2 lbs! How much water do you drink - I find that helps a lot - both to feel full and t to flush out whatever needs flushing out. also, slow, steady weight loss are so much better than a crash diet. When's Canada? Can't remember.

              Foxy, enjoy the meeting and the visit! how far away does your sister live from you? (We also have a town called Bray here - way up in the Kalahari, on the border with Botswana. Well, not town really - really tiny and isolated. thought I'd share :H:H)
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                Hey Molly 2ibs in 6 days is quite good and the norm. Very rapid weight loss in short term is mainly water loss so 2ibs a week is good and steady. When is your Canada trip? Dreamy my oldest lives in the north Co. Wicklow town of Bray which is 2.5 miles from my home and short bus journey. Its on the bus route after the meeting so i'll go straight after as she will be home from work. Not mad about going to AA but anything that helps. Sometimes the meetings are good sometimes feels boring but I guess like everything else in life. My problem is not being consistent with plans or following trough fully so that's i'm in danger of slipping. Have a boiled egg and toast on for brekkie and then shower so see yis later
                If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                  Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                  Hey Molly 2ibs in 6 days is quite good and the norm. Very rapid weight loss in short term is mainly water loss so 2ibs a week is good and steady. When is your Canada trip? Dreamy my oldest lives in the north Co. Wicklow town of Bray which is 2.5 miles from my home and short bus journey. Its on the bus route after the meeting so i'll go straight after as she will be home from work. Not mad about going to AA but anything that helps. Sometimes the meetings are good sometimes feels boring but I guess like everything else in life. My problem is not being consistent with plans or following trough fully so that's i'm in danger of slipping. Have a boiled egg and toast on for brekkie and then shower so see yis later
                  If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                    Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                    Good morning Tipperooo, Dreamydooo, Sweetypie, Mollymooooooo, Foxyloxy

                    Well that was a bugger getting on here this morning.

                    2lbs is wunnerful...............slow and steady.....says Mrs Big Bottom.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                      MWO is acting up this morning I lost my last post. Dreamy Bray is 2.5 miles from my home in South Dublin. Bray is a small seaside town in North Co. Wicklow. Don't always be in the mood for AA meetings but anything that helps. Anyways breakfast finished some tidying and then get ready to go. I have to stop off some where before the meeting so leaving a bit earlier.
                      If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                        Lots of stammering happening here!

                        Morning JC! Anything nice planned for your days off?
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                          Another cup of coffee is on the horizon, making dinner and a pile of Cds to download onto the lappy.

                          Then just going to pootle, bimble and generally fart about .
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                            JackieClaire;1660510 wrote: Another cup of coffee is on the horizon, making dinner and a pile of Cds to download onto the lappy.

                            Then just going to pootle, bimble and generally fart about .
                            I love that kind of busy day!

                            Where's our Roxy and Satzy hiding?
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army Thread Tuesday 13th May

                              I'm hoping Satz is at the docs getting a sick note and Roxxy will be galloping across the fields with her dawg.

                              Do you know I haven't had a pootling day in ages and ages.............there is nothing on my urgent list.

                              And Molls, seeing you reminds me I've got a new pile of library books to have a look at.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

