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Army Thread Thursday 15th May

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    Army Thread Thursday 15th May

    FUCK !!!!
    Ahhhhhh that's better !

    My job :stomper:
    - highlight of the day - buying a cake & flowers for someone who is leaving tomorrow.... even worse I enjoyed it .... a break from the normal hum drum ...


      Army Thread Thursday 15th May

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 15th May

        Good evening all :hiya:

        Just back after lovely dinner with me friend and ex work mate. Food and company were great and a gorgeous evening weather wise too Happy out is me.

        Enjoy your night Jacks xx

        Sorry the mouth still giving ye jip Molls- are ye taking painkillers?

        Hiya Foxy, Satz, Tabbers, Dreamy, Rox and anybody about :waving:


          Army Thread Thursday 15th May

          mollyka;1661465 wrote: Hey darlin --- how's you today? I'm glad you had a lovely night -
          just heading to the bed shortly --- yeah the mouth is a pain - I've been swallowing painkillers at a rate of knots --- but hopefully I'll be shedload's better tomorrow --
          Joe's been on the house phone half the night so my internet's been down ---
          I'm grand today Molls- thanks xx Spent a few hours in the garden this afternoon- it's always like therapy to me, then lovely meet-up this eve, cant complain to be honest

          Have ye tried rinsing yer mouth with salty water too?- found that a great help in past.

          Thinking of trying for an early night here too- sleep was mighty fecked up last night.


            Army Thread Thursday 15th May

            Evening sweetpea. Still feeling bit tired muself even tho I had a nap this afternoon. Think i'll be in bed within the hour as I have to be up early tomorrow. Just a few things to do and may be tackle more of the garden when I get back. Glad to hear you had a nice evening out. Try the salt water gargle Molly it might help. Nothing as bad ass being sore and painful after dentel work but it should be better soon.
            If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


              Army Thread Thursday 15th May

              Late night check-in.
              Yiz party animals are probably gone to zzzzzzzz.:H

              Did my usual drool session in the chair -then Masterchef - really got into it for some reason this year - final tomorrow night :yay:

              Glad to hear you sounding more chipper Sweetie :l

              Got an ?80 fine for speeding last Saturday : fuckers : 89kph in an 80kph zone on the shaggin dual carriageway -
              Then you go to windy, country, pot holed dirt track and it's still 80 FFS :gramps:

              Night !


                Army Thread Thursday 15th May

                Ahh that's the pits Satz 80e for going slightly over on a poxy road. Any good night folks sleep well, till tomorrow.:wavin::bedtime:
                If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:

