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Memorial Day

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    Memorial Day

    American Flame Memorial Day Edition:

    Dear Friend,

    Just 4 days from now, May 28, Memorial Day will be observed in the United States. Unfortunately, for far too many, this day is merely considered the first day of summer, or a day off from work?nothing more.

    If you are reading this as a citizen of a different country, or as a recent immigrant to the United States, you may be tempted to disregard this email. But, I ask you, how many times did you, in your native land, lament the death of traditional values, or grieve that your own people have forgotten their past, and ignored their heritage? I believe there is something to learn by looking at what is happening in America.

    What?s happening in America? Well, we are going on about our own business. In most cases, that?s fine, but we?re forgetting...we?re forgetting that the freedoms we enjoy were paid for with precious lives. How precious? Jesus Christ
    shed His blood for every one of them.

    ?Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.?
    - John 15:13 NIV

    We must remember to take some time to be grateful for those who have sacrificed
    on our behalf. To pray for families who have lost loved ones, and to pray for men and women who are, even now, in harm?s way. Men and women of the military?past and present?have put their lives on the line so we
    can go on about our business!

    ?Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.?
    - Romans 13:7 NIV

    So, as we travel to see family and friends, or enjoy a day in the warm sun, it is only right that we take some time to reflect, pray, perhaps write a letter or card, and, as led, participate in an event or volunteer to a veteran?s cause. Our web movie honoring American Veterans, ?American Flame,? features a link to ?America Supports You,? an excellent resource for exploring ways we can support our troops and veterans. Please take a few moments to look at it.

    The Memorial Day edition of ?American Flame? is available for free viewing on
    at the Web address below.

    American Flame ? Memorial Day Edition:
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    Memorial Day

    My husband served in the U.S. Army right out of high school to pay for college & served during a somewhat peaceful time in Germany(before wall came down). We support our Vets as he comes from a huge family with many uncles who served.
    Thanks for the link.

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/252747=1035-attachment.jpg[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Memorial Day

      May we remember the brave on Memorial Day.

      “They fought together as Brothers-in-arms.
      They died together and now they sleep side by side.
      To them we have a solemn obligation.”
      Admiral Chester W Nimitz,
      as posted on the WWI Memorial in Washington DC

      * * I love Determinator * *


        Memorial Day

        Southern Belle;

        That was very interesting. Memorial Day does mark alot of valued memories for us as United States citizens.

        This day is for our troops in Iraq that are still there and those that are going and those that have passed through.

        And don't forget the soldiers that have died in honor for our country!

        Have a Great Holiday!


          Memorial Day

          Thank you Brandy, Determinatrix and Breez.
          As the mom of one about to go there.... means a lot to know that people remember where we came from and the blood and tears that were shed for our freedom.
          "Freedon is not free"...
          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Memorial Day

            I'm in the UK, but I love you all and support your families fighting for their beliefs .......

            My heart really goes out to all of you involved .............


              Memorial Day

              God Bless our troops everywhere.


                Memorial Day

                Semper Fi

                Always faithful
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Memorial Day

                  God bless our troops and their families. The MWO family has 2 sons in Iraq, Grateful Em and Southernbelle, so extra love and hugs for them.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Memorial Day

                    We had breakfast at the Cracker Barrel today.
                    They had a table set up for kids or anyone to make "thank you" cards that they will send to our troops.

                    God Bless America.

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Memorial Day

                      My son is only 8, but it already brings tears to my eyes thinking I may someday be sending him to fight for his country. God bless our troops and ALL the Mama's that stand behind their son's/their babies.

                      No matter how big they grow and yes they are now men, they will ALWAYS be little boys to their Mom! Hugs to you Belle....God Bless you both!!!!


                        Memorial Day

                        Ah, Southern Belle....:l I am so proud of YOU and your son. You son, your family , and all our troops are in my prayers. Much love, admiration, and support from a grateful citizen.
                        ps I love C.B.- one of my favorite places to eat out when I am close to one (none on the west coast:upset: - but the fact they do that for Memorial Day is great)
                        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                          Memorial Day

                          My son is thirteen, and I hope and pray that troups are out of the middle east by the time he could have to go. We will have a new president before long so I am hopeful. I applaud any young women, young men, or the older folks who have been forced to go continue their tours of duty more than once because our country called upon them. But in my heart, I wish none of our children or our loved ones had to step into this poorly led attempt to control the developed countries of the worlds energy source. Petroleum. I pray for a speedy end to troup involvement, whatever every contiinent or country you are from.


