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Does drinking make you depressed?

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    Does drinking make you depressed?

    Overit, I have read these replies to your post and it has brought back those awful feelings i had after drinking. It is good you wrote that post because it really does re-enforce the fantastic decision it is to NOT drink. I too suffered from panic attacks. It would normally hit me hard if I went out the day after drinking.I could be in a shop and suddenly have to leave, I remember driving my car and suddenly feeling like I was paralyzed. I felt like I couldnt understand how to drive. I was so panicked that I could not control the car and had to keep stopping. Fine if youre on your own but not so great if you have someone with you! It is the most terrifying feeling I have ever experienced and I thought I was going to die. I had my son and my dad in the car with me one day and I had to drive down the motorway. Anyway, Its best forgotten about as I'm doing well now. I put my families life at risk and I'm not proud of it.
    Anyway, better go. Bella xx


      Does drinking make you depressed?

      I saw a doctor about my drinking this week, the first time I've ever seriously done this, and I'm so thankful, he said the nicest thing...

      'It's not your fault you had crappy parents with crappy genes, don't ever feel bad about this, I'm going to help you as much as I can"

      This, and the fact that he didn't bat an eyelid and precribed Campral, and of course all the love and support on this site, I'm feeling so positive, if you're interested, read about what i did today, lol.

      And yes, been there, for over 20 years now.

      Hope you hang around, love Jas xxx
      :thanks: :h

