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Does drinking make you depressed?

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    Does drinking make you depressed?

    Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well today. I am kinda a new poster on here and yes, I do have a pretty serious drinking problem. Since I have a hangover today (yep!) I was wondering about how others feel with their hangovers. I tend to get super depressed and hate myself until the damn thing wears off. My hangovers vary in degrees. The worst ones include panic attacks that leave me non functioning. I guess they are panic attacks but I am not sure. I get an overwhelming feel of fear and I feel lost and confused. Driving a car can also be very difficult and I just pray to get through the day. You would think that a semi smart person like me who has alot of great things in her life could elimate doing such harm to herself mentally and physically, but I dont. I always seem to forget how bad I felt when I had the therefore I drink again.

    Good luck to us all...

    Does drinking make you depressed?


    Wow what you said is so true! I drink when I get mad....Then I get mad because I drink...

    Thanks for stating that, I needed to vent a little bit today.

    Hope you feel better..


      Does drinking make you depressed?


      Yes alcohol is known to be an extremely powerful depressant. It's kind of a vicious circle, people drink cos they are depressed, it initially takes the edge of things but then you pay the price big time the next day. Something to do with altering the chemicals in the brain. Also if you are taking antidepressants at the same time as drinking heavily, the alcohol tends to cancel out much of the good effects of the tablets apparently. Am with you big time on the panic attacks with hangovers! So horrible! I never ever get them at any other time except with a hangover! Anyway, welcome here and hope you achieve your goals.

      Nicole xxxx


        Does drinking make you depressed?

        Thanks Brandy

        Thanks Brandy. Im pretty sure I will make it through the day, and I also have to go to work. What fun. Im glad to have found this site, it helps to vent with others, and not feel so alone with this damn drinking problem I have.

        I hope you are doing great too!


          Does drinking make you depressed?

          Hi Overit,
          Yes yes yes on all points. It does seem ridiculous doesn't it. Reading posts on this site you'll see that everyone here is smart, conscientious, and good. And you'll also see that we have the same struggle. Point is, you are not alone!

          After a night of heavy drinking (which is still too often) I typically wake up at about 4am to pee, and that's when the anger, depression and frustration begins. Lasts through the the day usually. Until I drink some more in the evening. Ridiculous! Even though I know how good it feels to not have those feelings. Well, that's addiction for you.

          Read lots, gather tools, and hang out here to remind yourself that there are a whole bunch of really good people with the same struggle.

          Good luck!


            Does drinking make you depressed?

            Thanks Nicole

            Thanks Nicole. Wow......I thought I was the only one who got panic attacks! Im sorry you get them too, but thanks for sharing. I never talk to anyone about my problems. In fact, noone even knows I have a drinking problem.

            I as well, only get the panic attacks after drinking too much. I never get them at anyother time. Having a panic attacks is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. I literally feel like I am going crazy and disconnected to my brain and body. On a good note, I dont think I am going to have one today, (I pray!)


              Does drinking make you depressed?

              Thanks Imatree

              Thank you for your post Imatree.

              You literally brought tears to my eyes. Its so crazy isnt it. We are all good people who deserve to have happy lives. I really do not understand why I am the way I am, but I do know I am not a bad person, just a messed up person.

              Good luck to us all....


                Does drinking make you depressed?

                Yes I too had panic attacks ... they are the most awful experience ever .... I used to count down the hours until I could drink and take away the anxiety and then hey ho, glass of wine ..... relax .... Until the following morning, but last year I started having a glass during the day which got worse and worse .... Until I found MWO in november, had some AF days, moderating nicely now and not a single panic attack since november last year .....

                I forgot to say WELCOME!!!! Nice to have you here, you can do this!!!!

                BB xxx


                  Does drinking make you depressed?

                  Your not alone Overit
                  I was extremly hung over after this past weekend. I felt so depressed I hated myself so much I know what happens when I do that. I have a tendacy to get panic attacks as well. I figured out the reason i get them is when I hardly eat but drink a lot like the weekend bender I just had there is nothing in system to absorb the alcohol. Since I have been doing such an awful job of staying AF i am working really hard right now. Day 3 for me and hopefully counting.


                    Does drinking make you depressed?

                    Oh by the way have a wonderful AF weekend for those that are trying and the ones that are just moderating have good weekend as well. Let us all have a good one . I know I am babbling...........Take care all.


                      Does drinking make you depressed?

                      It makes me MAJORLY depressed...I mean major....and the hangover gives me shakes and panic attacks which would make me want to drink ...and so the cycle would continue...oh so sad. I am not missing that feeling these days. I pray to keep up AF days. Funny how BAD it makes you feel and how incredibly hard it is to give up....


                        Does drinking make you depressed?

                        Huge amount of anxiety is what I go thru If I really overdue it. You are not alone and sound alot like me. It really was time for me to change and little by little I am doing better. I really think this site has changed my life. Welcome, keep posting and reading.



                          Does drinking make you depressed?

                          What Luv said.

                          I go so depressed I couldn't function for a week.

                          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                            Does drinking make you depressed?

                            If you're prone to depression anyway then drinking only makes it so much worse. It's a vicious cycle. You drink because you're depressed and then your more depressed because you drank. On the brighter side, I have definitely had less hangovers (hence less depression) in the months since I joined MYO. I log on nightly to keep me on the right path. Good luck.



                              Does drinking make you depressed?

                              Panic attacks - shaking, dizzy, disoriented, totally unable to function, scared of my own shadow - I was definitely the QUEEN of panic attacks after drinking. They were HORRIBLE and would last for days. I know how you feel and how they lead to the vicous cycle of wanting to drink to stop the shaking and the anxiety. But remember it is a vicious and deadly cycle. And remember a cycle is a wheel that keeps turning and turning and never stops turning on its own. Try hard to break the cycle.

                              Please stay with us here and we can all struggle through this together. The less you drink, the less the panic will be.

                              Take care........Keep posting
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

