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Army thread Saturday

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    Army thread Saturday

    roxane;1661976 wrote: When I went away last year I hid my Allan Carr book so the person looking after my house wouldn't find it. You never know how nosey people might be. Yep, can't remember where I hid it :H
    :H jaysus , i have booze books all over the house.
    Ah feck them , i dont care anymore.
    Hope you're enjoying your day Roxane



      Army thread Saturday

      satz123;1661954 wrote: Where's the Molly wan ?
      Want to ask her what to do about DD who on the way out the door last night TOLD me to have a drink on our upcoming holiday - I said no I won't.
      "sure you'll be grand - I'll support you whatever you decide" - Mr S agreed - I think they PREFER me when I join in and have a 'few' drinks - not the dodgy strange one having water :egad:

      What hope have I got - when I'm already worried about it and now this :upset:
      She's out on the bike with Joe..............will I do?

      You know Satz, that makes me awful sad.

      Its a bit like Mr JC and the luvverly Jenz saying to me go on you can have a crab cake and some lobster..............I allergic to them and gives me migraine and well not to put too finer point on it violent puking and I'm out for at least a day.

      Things that spring to mind.
      a) Its your holiday.............a holiday you work bloody hard for all year round.
      b) We're too old to be people pleasing.
      c)Being a non-drinker doesn't mean you have to be Coco the Fecking Clown 24/ are a human being and allowed to be who you are.
      d)Don't agonise over'll make you resentful and angry............

      Oh and I know, I know I'm really lucky that I have the support of Mr JC and the kids but when push comes to shove its all down to me.

      "it's not what's in your glass, it's the company you're with." If you're having a good time with someone, what's in the glass won't matter. Just a thought.
      I like that very much, Rustyredlocks................wondering where you'd been.:l
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army thread Saturday

        Good afternoon Army
        Went out at the crack of dawn for a long run before the weather got too hot it was lovely looking at the river and over to Wales.
        Satz it is really crap that they are putting the pressure on you but you have come so far. Take the AB and then you know you will not be tempted.:l


          Army thread Saturday

          Hi Molly that sounded like a wonderful day out--I agree about the decision not to drink has to from within oneself. Cannot not drink to please others or blame others for taking that drink. I think I used to be glad when Mr A used to encourage me to have a drink and then I could blame him


            Army thread Saturday

            mollyka;1662045 wrote: Yeah -- well I s'pose the difference being --- say 3 years ago when I was also s'posedly/allegedly sober --- and I was the vast majority of the time -- if Joe had said to me 'ah go on, have a drink' -- I'd have died and gone to heaven ---- needless to say it never happened -- but it would have been like 'HAPPY DAYS' to me --- whereas now --- bar holding me down and pouring it down my throat -- there is NOTHING anyone could say or do that would make me drink OR want to drink......
            I think it was only when I reached acceptance that I COULD not have that first drink that I truly got it! Now I am completely addicted to the running malarkey and when I cannot do that I will find something else:H
            Off to eat out as still not finished the kit hen


              Army thread Saturday

              JackieClaire;1662001 wrote: She's out on the bike with Joe..............will I do?

              You know Satz, that makes me awful sad.
              Things that spring to mind.
              a) Its your holiday.............a holiday you work bloody hard for all year round.
              b) We're too old to be people pleasing.
              c)Being a non-drinker doesn't mean you have to be Coco the Fecking Clown 24/ are a human being and allowed to be who you are.
              d)Don't agonise over'll make you resentful and angry............

              Oh and I know, I know I'm really lucky that I have the support of Mr JC and the kids but when push comes to shove its all down to me.
              Thanks JC :l - was out gallivanting .... all of the above being digested.


                Army thread Saturday

                Evening all,

                Slept through the last half and extra time of the FA Cup final..........

                Finally got not one, not 2 but three goldfish (achully ?1.99 each or 3 for a ?4.99)...........they're teeny weeny

                Names............Nerys, Benedict and Susan.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army thread Saturday

                  anon;1662022 wrote: Good afternoon Army
                  Went out at the crack of dawn for a long run before the weather got too hot it was lovely looking at the river and over to Wales.
                  Satz it is really crap that they are putting the pressure on you but you have come so far. Take the AB and then you know you will not be tempted.:lAB taken - that's it - no going back :yay:
                  mollyka;1662023 wrote:

                  Anyways...... oh Benjy --- well -- my first instinct is to say do what YOU want to do --- but do you KNOW what you want to do -- like REALLY?? If you know --- then it's easy ---- if you're not sure --- imvho -- therein lies your problem tbh....... and maybe they sense that from you?
                  Whatever you do -- make sure it's your decision --- me drinking/not drinking -- never ever worked unless it was from within me --- that's the core of sobriety for me ---
                  I KNOW I don't want to drink but was scared ye know ? - how I'd have coped with drinkers used to me also drinking and wondering when this phase will pass. Day to day I never want a drink but I can't put my life on hold & go nowhere out of my comfort zone.
                  - so time to bite the bullet
                  Now it's out of my hands and I know once I survive this week I'll be fine.

                  Thanks everyone for listening :l:l


                    Army thread Saturday

                    JackieClaire;1662065 wrote: Evening all,

                    Slept through the last half and extra time of the FA Cup final..........

                    Finally got not one, not 2 but three goldfish (achully ?1.99 each or 3 for a ?4.99)...........they're teeny weeny

                    Names............Nerys, Benedict and Susan.
                    Very posh - did they shine a light in your eyes & interview you before you were allowed buy them?


                      Army thread Saturday

                      satz123;1662068 wrote: Very posh - did they shine a light in your eyes & interview you before you were allowed buy them?
                      Nope and we've had them nearly 6 hours and they're still the right way up.

                      Good for you on the AB, hun.:l
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army thread Saturday

                        mollyka;1662071 wrote: Welcome to the goldfish trio --- I'll never remember all them names --- mind you -- if they live as long as our goldfish used to (not) live - there'll be no need ;-)
                        Well decision taken then Benjy -- I thought it was the Greek trip in June you were talkin about --- not keepin up here :-)
                        So did I. But what I said applies to both.

                        Have been able to get hold of the fish to put their name tags on yet.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army thread Saturday

                          mollyka;1662073 wrote: How's Jacks? Did you have a nice day besides your snooze?
                          Pretty good, got to the orifice and had an overwhelming neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed for a sausage sandwich. Luckily Greggs was just up the road........3 sausages, real butter and brown sauce......and look away now Satz...........all in a big white bread bun......died and went to heaven I did.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army thread Saturday

                            mollyka;1662071 wrote:
                            Well decision taken then Benjy -- I thought it was the Greek trip in June you were talkin about --- not keepin up here :-)
                            JackieClaire;1662075 wrote:
                            So did I. But what I said applies to both.
                            It is both really. I'd started getting iffy about the short holiday - 5 days coming up this Thursday and starting dodgy thinkin' ...... back into old ways of thinking really.
                            Thus was looking for advice & have started reading Allen Carr etc.

                            Off to bed
                            Night !

