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Depression Eating Disorders?

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    Depression Eating Disorders?

    Ok - Time for me to fess up here. I went from an eating disorder and then ended up abusing alcohol. When I was 16 my 'best friend' at the time said that you wouldn't get fat if you just barf it up.

    This is really something I am dealing with now that I have been sober for months. I am TRYING not to go back there and I have been prescribed medication for my depression. But my BIG question is why???? Why am I thinking about abusing myself this way again????

    Depression Eating Disorders?

    Hey accountable: There was an interesting article in People magazine a month or so ago about people who had had gastric bypass and could no longer "feed" their food addiction, switched to other addictions. Carnie Wilson (of Wilson Phillips) developed a problem with alcohol, others developed shopping and drug addictions. One of the women in the article was a clinical psychologist of all things.

    I think that the bottom line for these folks was that they needed to deal with the addictive process. I don't know that I believe that there is an addictive personality, but I have read that ANY addiction, be it drink, drugs, eating, gambling or shopping, rewires the brain. This being the case, it makes sense that you would find yourself drawn to other addictive behaviors.

    I'm not sure if RJ addressed this in her book, but I would think that the sups might help with this. There is a book called "The Addictive Brain" that you may find helpful.

    Best of luck solving this puzzle.

    Love and Peace


      Depression Eating Disorders?

      Accountable, I have read this several times, if i'm honest I don't know how to reply ..... When I was 18 I applied for a job and had to have a blood and urine test ... they told me that I wasn't eating enough (at the time i skipped breakfast at home, told my mum I had lunch at work, then just had one meal a day at home ) The new manager phoned my mum ...

      I really think that it is part of the addictive personality that we have, when we do something it has to be all or nothing .............


        Depression Eating Disorders?

        Thanks, to be perfectly honest with you I am scared. Ever since I sobered up all I want to do is eat and the thoughts of barfing have come to mind, and that doesn't sit well with me. Anyway thanks for sharing. I know I need to deal with this as well!


          Depression Eating Disorders?


          Hi ACM, I would guess that the emotional issues that are basis of your alcohol abuse are also exactly the same as with the eating disorder. I've read a lot of your posts and it sounds like you've really got the drinking under control. Maybe that is why the eating thing is manifesting itself again? To me you are doing brilliantly and are an inspiration. I guess continue with what you are doing, stay healthy with your diet, your power walking, your wee daughter, feel good about yourself anyway you can.

          Nicole xxx


            Depression Eating Disorders?


            Funny you should post this today as I have suffered from ED's in the past but have been fine for years. And I wanted to post this today and now I feel brave enough to do so.

            Yesterday (after a month of really handling my drinking) I had a really bad day and was really depressed. I have been taking ad's for 8 weeks and along with the reduction in alcohol I have been feeling great. But I've put on weight because my sugar intake has soared due to the sugar I used to get from alcohol.

            So last night after having a bad result on the scales I totally binged then made myelf sick. I really frightened myelf because my heart rate went so high and I was dizzy for ages afterwards, it as horrible.

            So I feel for you, I think there is most certainly a link in all the addictive traits we have that make us harm ourselves.

            I feel sometimes that in a twisted way my brain just likes to have some sort of problem to deal with, and as I feel more in control of my drinking it is now thinking about other ways to mess me up.

            I feel ok today though but isn't life a strugle sometimes.

            Good luck honey,

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Depression Eating Disorders?

              HUGS (((KITTY))). It really took me months to bring this to the board. And thanks Paula and Rob.


                Depression Eating Disorders?

                I just want to help anyone out there who may have this to deal with as well.


                  Depression Eating Disorders?

                  AFM, I think you would be surprised how many of us drinkers have dealt with eating disorders in the past or even currently. It is interesting and makes me think it has to do with the quick high you can get from that behavior, much like drinking.

                  Have fun with your bubble bath lovin man. Still laughing over that one.....
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Depression Eating Disorders?

                    Accountable, you will get through this, I promise .....


                      Depression Eating Disorders?

                      You have helped so much, you wouldn't believe.

                      Nicole xxxx


                        Depression Eating Disorders?

                        LOL - Lushy! Yep Bubble Bath Man - I have to pick up in half an hour................ LOL!!! Now that I brought his bathing duties out, I am thinkin' "OH CRIPES!"


                          Depression Eating Disorders?

                          And thank you Nicole!


                            Depression Eating Disorders?

                            Bubble bath man - that sounds great! Where can I get one? After 25 years hubby is getting old on me :H

                            As for the eating disorders, I too had a terrible ED when I was drinking - I almost completely stopped eating for a year or two and would throw up (not on purpose) whenever I did. The sight of food was actually scary for me and the presence of food in my stomach made me sick. Food became my enemy, although I was really hungry and wanted to eat. I went down to 103 pounds. Then I started to go AF, started working with my therapist and she helped a lot. I've gained back about 15 pounds but still often have to force myself to eat or just skip eating for a few days. Weird.

                            My doctor says we often replace one addiction with another. In my case, I replaced the alcohol addiction with exercise addiction - not that I'm not still addicted to alcohol - I just exercise like crazy to deal with it. Exercise helps me a lot - keeps me active and mentally in balance. It also makes me want to eat. Maybe you should buy a bicycle and start riding or start walking or swimming or something.

                            Just a thought - good luck to you. You have done so well so far - hang in there.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              Depression Eating Disorders?

                              Dear Accountable my haven't had an easy few months have you sweetie.......just when you think you're doing good in so many areas...yet another thing for you to deal with....
                              I hope you can look after yourself, and give your body some good stuff. I have had a few foodie issues since AF too...when I was younger, I looked like a skeleton for a while and my mom was soooo worried, but with the discovery of alcohol, the food thing ceased to be an issue. I don't know whether I actually LIKE the idea of an addictive personality, but for some reason, there do seem to be some of us that need to 'fill a gap' with something, which then becomes all consuming, whether it be drugs, food, alcohol, sex...whatever...

                              I'm not sure what the 'experts' say, but I feel personally that it has to do with depression, and the need to find a comforter in some form which seems to be missing from ones life, however 'uncomforting' whatever the addiction may seem to outsiders....for some of us, it fills a need.
                              I guess the thing is, either to find out why the gap exists, and try to fix it...or at least try and fill it with a healthy recreation or pastime.....are you on anti d's sweetie?? They helped me a lot when they started to really kick in with my need to control my food....just a thought love....

                              Hope you can find some sort of peace in your mind....I think that this is the start of the solution to these sorts of situations....
                              Sending you hugs, and love......:l:l:l:l
                              Weemelon xxx

