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Depression Eating Disorders?

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    Depression Eating Disorders?

    ACM. yes I agree with all of the above. About 8 years ago I started to enjoy denying myself food. I was suffering with depression at the time, so had regular medical check-ups and my doc told me I was exhibiting anorexic behaviour - lost 30 lbs. That shocked me. There was so much going on in my life at that time the doc told me I was controlling my food intake because everything else was so out of control. Selling home, showing home, hubby building a new one in the northwest, son acting out, etc.

    Anyway I quit drinking and the lbs. just piled back on. I think anti-depressant might help you and talking to a good therapist.

    You have been an inspiration to so many of us on this site and you reach out to everyone. Time to be gentle with yourself and give back to yourself.

    Enlightened by MWO


      Depression Eating Disorders?

      You guys are great. Thanks for sharing.


        Depression Eating Disorders?

        AFM, I can defintally relate to emotionally eating. I do stuff the emotions myself. I would write more cept for I gotta go to work. bye.
        Gabby :flower:


          Depression Eating Disorders?

          Yep, me too. I can go for days w/out eating & not even have an appetite. I think because I wait tables & serve so much food, I'm around it so much it feels like I've eaten when I haven't. I get off work & just want to have beer and relax. I can run miles around the restaurant all night, without having a bite & not even notice.
          It amazes me how much some people can eat! Like my Hubby... My God... I'd look like a house!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Depression Eating Disorders?

            I would have to agree that gaining a healthy addiction would help AFM. I exercise a lot, and I eat a lot. While I have never had an eating disorder, I do tend to eat quite a bit, and I can relate to emotional eating. I run, all the time. It is good therapy, you can get yourself together in your head, and help work through a lot of emotion when you exercise. If you were to replace your addictions with one you knwo is healthy, maybe focusing on the new addiction will help alleviate the old ones.
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Depression Eating Disorders?

              Accountable, I have had eating disorders my entire life. I joke not. When I was a child all my relatives would comment on what a "big" child I was, (looking back I was just tall) But I thought I'm going to be fat so just eat. This was around age 9. Constantly picked on in school, Jr. High I got the mumps and couldn't eat lost a great deal of weight. Went back to school treated so much better. Thin = acceptance to me. I could control this. That was the word for me, Control! So much of my life has/ had been taking from me this was my thing to control. My depression manifested itself with the drinking. The anorexia was my conrtrol. I still have food issues. I currently am taking a prescription for a diet pill because I want to loose another 10-15 pounds. This is my ugly secret as well; insecurity at the root? perhaps. but I really think it is the control with me.
              Just trying to figure it all out


                Depression Eating Disorders?

                I guess if I'm really honest with myself I have had an eating disorder probably starting in High school when we had to weigh-in for gymnastics. I starved myself since I was 16, trying to be as thin as I could be. (I also have an extremely thin sister...she comes by it naturally-unlike me, I'm built like a stump!)

                I don't think I've ever felt thin enough. Even when I had my appendix removed, & had just gotten out of the hospital, after being really sick for quite some time... I thought I was "almost" thin enough...That was back when I was doing xx country track, gymnastics, & cheerleading too! You'd think that would have kept me in pretty good shape.
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Depression Eating Disorders?


                  ditto many of the posts above, I have suffered with both, but GUESS WHAT - TOPA TREATS THEM BOTH!!!!!!

                  Not that meds is the answer to everything, I mean we have to look inside ourselves for answers too, I do realise this, I am not a total dummy, but since starting the topa I have gotten (hey, using Anerican terms despite being a Brit) hold of both my drinking and my crazy eating patterns.... with not much effort either.

                  Topa is a well known drug used to treat EDs.

                  just a thought...

                  Rip x


                    Depression Eating Disorders?

                    Please don't.
                    I was seriously bulimic for 7 or so years...I never ever want to go back there. And you don't either!

                    I agree with Lush regarding the instant high

                    Please keep on track

                    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                      Depression Eating Disorders?

                      I think it is time for me to go back on topa.


                        Depression Eating Disorders?

                        So anyway as I read the whole thread I see most of you all DONT eat or eliminate the food afterwards. My problem is I emotionally eat to stuff the stress and just gain weight. I can eat weather I am hungry or not.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Depression Eating Disorders?

                          Wow!! This is amazing!! I, too, have had eating disorders. It is so wonderful to hear about the rest of you. Not that I want anyone else to have these same problems but it is so enlightening to hear about others that are dealing with the same issues.

                          I am a gastric bypass patient, lost 100 plus pounds and then two years later find myself with a drinking problem!!??!! It has been very confusing to me because alcohol was not an issue prior to the gastric bypass. Suddenly I find myself in new dangerous waters and don't know how to deal with it. Seeing all these posts really help. It is the same waters, different symptoms!!

                          Thank you, all of you, for being here and valiant enough to share. I have just started the process and am working my way through RJ's book, the supps, and the rest. I have not decided on meds, yet. I wanted to try without then, if possible. However, because of RJ and this site, I am no longer feeling totally alone and lost. What a relief!!

                          Bless all of you!!
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Depression Eating Disorders?

                            Welcome db2fromala - Well put, same waters, different symptoms. I've gone from bulimia to smoking to drinking to overeating to the last 3 all at once. I think weemelonhead is probably on the right track that the underlying issue is depression or at least some difficulty with brain chemical balance.


                              Depression Eating Disorders?

                              Wow! I cannot believe the response to this thread. It is pretty amazing the association with depression/eating disorders/drinking. I think it is a good thing to be aware of any underlying problems of depression when you are coming off of the alcohol. This way you can address what initially caused the eating disorder that may have escalated to the drinking. ie: depression/low self esteem/ low self worth. Very interesting. I am glad I brought this to the table because for me, I am worried that my boughts with bulimia may arise because I am not drinking but I also don't feel 'good' about myself. I used the alcohol for many reasons, but I am thinking my perception of myself was a big one. You know how it is.... you feel great and confident when you catch that buzz! Well once the buzz is gone you are looking dead on to the real you and the emotions that were once squashed by booze. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing. It has been enlightening. I hope for those of you whom have had to deal with an eating disorder are aware of possible underlying issues. Kind of like a 'heads up'. Together we can get through just about anything because we know we aren't alone anymore. Again, thanks for sharing.


                                Depression Eating Disorders?

                                Accountable, thanks for starting this thread. I'm amazed at how many of us there are too! I think this is a very important topic for more research & discussion.
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

