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stinking drunk

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    stinking drunk

    I can't do this to myself or others ever again. I wanted things to be different. I prayed that things would be different. But in the end...I'm a drunk. Period. The going got very tough, and I drank. That's it. No excuse. I just did. And I want to thank everyone here for the support and love over the last year. Unfortunately, I wasn't worthy. I almost made it. I really did. But as they say, that only counts in horseshoes. Tomorrow, I will sober up because my brother needs me, but tonight...well, I guess I just told you. Damn, I hate when I'm like this. But really, I just don't care anymore.
    Everything is going to be amazing

    stinking drunk

    Awww......Moss:l You have done SO well in the last handled the turbulent relationship with your kids really well, your divorce really well...and now your brother is gravely ill.....that is a lot of heartache to deal with....and you TRIED, I know you did.:l Sometimes AL's numbing qualities are too strong to overcome in situations like yours. You are a very strong woman and you know being drunk is no help to your brother. Tomorrow is a new day and knowing your incredible strength, you will be sober and you will dig your heels in. You have disappointed no one here. If they feel like you let them down, then that's THEIR problem, not yours.

    I am here for you, neighbor. PM me anytime. :l


      stinking drunk

      Mossrose, tomorrow is a new day - why would you be unworthy when every single person here is here for the same reason? Some , like myself, trying over and over, but I will do it, some starting out and getting it, some eventually getting it, others living the dream, a great sober life and staying on board.......but all came here with the same plea.
      You're on a downer; that's ok. Sleep on it, eat your ass off tomorrow, try to get some quiet time and think about what you really want......then make your next move - I'm guessing that would be to give it another go.......there are open arms here...all you have to do is ask.......I should know....
      Looking forward to hearing from you soon.....
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        stinking drunk

        Never ever give up giving up Moss, take a break, concentrate on your family, you are a strong woman and there is a lot in your life at present but please return back to the nest when you feel you are ready. I really feel for you MR, you have been thrown three curve balls and i think even the strongest of us would be pushed to our limit.

        I would like to think that i would not drink in your situation but i can never say never. My FIL had a brain tumour many years ago and i was his carer after with his wife and at the end of the day i would come home and drink the sadness, fear and the unknown away. So my friend i cannot judge you but i will always support you. the thing i do remember is feeling like crap most days when i visited him and that was so not good!

        hugs and love sending your way xxxx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          stinking drunk

          Oh sweetie - I UNDERSTAND!!! :l Completely.
          I had a really bad time a week ago and did the same thing.

          Get thru tonight. Remember that we love you & are here for you. You are going thru an incredibly difficult time. I do understand. :l
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            stinking drunk

            Mossy,you have had a rough time,but i can understand where you're coming from,you drank,feel like shit,honey we have all been there,get some rest sweetie,tomorrow is another day,gonna get it together,i know it
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              stinking drunk

              We will never give up on you, ever. Please don't ever think that. The things going on in your life are not just little "Oh, get over it," kind of deals. They are life and death, divorce, and things that I've never in my life have dealt with. You've gone through so much, as even though you drank today, you will get back on track, no doubts in my mind. You're such a strong woman, and I'll be praying for you now and tonight, and tomorrow, and the next day.:h:l
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                stinking drunk

                MossRose;1662103 wrote: I can't do this to myself or others ever again. I wanted things to be different. I prayed that things would be different. But in the end...I'm a drunk. Period. The going got very tough, and I drank. That's it. No excuse. I just did. And I want to thank everyone here for the support and love over the last year. Unfortunately, I wasn't worthy. I almost made it. I really did. But as they say, that only counts in horseshoes. Tomorrow, I will sober up because my brother needs me, but tonight...well, I guess I just told you. Damn, I hate when I'm like this. But really, I just don't care anymore.
                Moss, ah hell, we are all drunks here. We are all on the same boat together. You are no different than any of the rest of us here. We have all drank against our will over much smaller things than what you are going through.

                The really cool part is that you posted about your drinking and that implies that you don't want to keep going down that road. Moss, you are going to be just fine. I believe this 100%%%.

                You do care and folks here care about you. You are a good person and people do need you. So, give yourself a break and I will be at least one that looks forward to hearing your sobering thought tomorrow. You might give up on yourself, but please don't give up on us here on my way out.

                Peace to You


                  stinking drunk

                  And Moss -I am grateful you came forward with a true story.


                    stinking drunk

                    Moss, tonight is an outlier, not your new normal. You've already decided that it ends here and you'll not drink tomorrow. You just can't. You posted a little late but you did post. That tells us you will be ok :l.

                    To spare yourself further pain, please don't drink more tonight. It is tempting to just go for broke once you've started but you don't need to hurt yourself more. Perhaps go for a walk while it is still light out, take a long relaxing bath, and go to bed early.

                    Be as kind to yourself for the rest of the evening as you would be to one of us if you came into our homes and found us just as you are now. You would understand and you would be kind.

                    Love, NS


                      stinking drunk

                      Someone posted here that it takes usually five years to really quit drinking for good. I don't know when that stopwatch starts, but I bet you are ahead of the game. I certainly repeated the course several times pefore finally passing.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        stinking drunk

                        MR - sorry to hear you are down and drinking. tomorrow is another day and you will get right back on track! If you are reading this, I agree with NS - see if you can put it down now. Tomorrow will be here before you know it and sober you will be back. Post here, stay here as much as you need to. :l


                          stinking drunk

                          Mossrose you are strong. You are going through an incredibly painful time, please don't hurt yourself worse by beating yourself up over this. Just climb back down into the sobriety trenches with us and help us get on with the fight.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                            stinking drunk

                            Don't give up, you deserve a sober life.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              stinking drunk

                              SKendall;1662179 wrote: Don't give up, you deserve a sober life.
                              Can't say it any better than that.

                              We're here for you, Moss.


