Just wanted to send my love, I think you are very brave going through so much, never give up giving up xxx
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stinking drunk
stinking drunk
Good morning, Moss.
You have been mostly a nondrinker for months and months. Let this be one of those rare one-nighters that "normal" drinkers have every great once in awhile. When they do that, they think how stupid they were the night before (NOT that they are bad and stupid people), they vow not to do that again (and most don't for a very long time), they take care of themselves the next day and while they may feel sorry for themselves, they aren't plagued by feelings of shame, guilt and worthlessness because they know this isn't the real them.
And this isn't the real you, Moss. You are a strong, lovely woman who doesn't drink but who is dealing with particularly tough life issues and had a night of escape. It was a risky thing to do - more than it is for a normal drinker - but like that person, you can take care of yourself today and put last night in the past where it belongs.
Please let us know you're up and ok, Moss. We care :l.
stinking drunk
Well for any newbies out there who may have read this thread, trust me...it wasn't worth it. Today, I feel physically sick, and emotionally nauseated. I drank 1-1/2 bottles of wine (which used to be my nightly norm), but my body isn't used to AL anymore and I feel wretched. Thank you to everyone who came to my aid. Again. I can't apologize enough for my recent behavior.
I just can't seem to find my way these days. Everything feels off. I even find myself missing my abusive ex. Wow - that's all wrong. Pretty sad when you would prefer to feel miserable than nothing at all.
I found the word that describes my life now. Anhedonia: The absence of pleasure or the ability to experience it. It usually is a symptom of depression. But I don't feel depressed. I feel numb. I suppose I thought that getting drunk would help me feel something. But it only made me feel disgusted with myself. Not exactly the feeling I was hoping to experience.
Anyway - I won't be doing that again. I'm going to plant some flowers this morning and then cook a nice meal. A GF is coming by later, and I think that will really help. Thanks again for your kind words. Sometimes, I feel so alone, but this morning I realize that I'm not. I have all of you. xx
stinking drunk
stinking drunk
Tomorrow is a new day. Learn from this and move on. You can do it. You just need to work on it. Not everyone here is perfect. I had to go through so many quits before this one stuck and I consider my past attempts practice quits while I learned what worked and what didn't work.
Just make a new plan and switch things around to make sure that this new quit will work and if not try and try again until you get a quit that will stick. ODAAT.I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
stinking drunk
Hey Moss Rose, you were so wise to come back here when you had your little hiccup. So proud of you. Now, lick your wounds and hop back on board the sober train.
Life can really suck and feeling numb is your body's way of protecting you from feeling the strong emotions that are called for with all that's going on. When you are sober, just try to be conscious of the moment you are in and don't worry about not feeling. Eventually you may start feeling little spurts of joy and, of course, sadness. Let those feelings ride through you like waves. Drinking will just delay your emotional recovery from the trials you have and are currently experiencing.
Still re-read your Morning Rituals Thread when I need to feel good. xoxo"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
stinking drunk
Well friends...something has changed. Things just seem better somehow. Mama - I need one of those tee shirts. Love to you all.
stinking drunk
Was it that feeling of feeling like shit MR. i wonder now what it feels like and when i hear it doesnt entice me to return. Glad you are feeling better and maybe the switch has switched lovely. God those tshirts would be sold out in minutes, i would need one for everyday.
Ps I had a patient come in today that had the same op as your brother and it has taken him a year or two and he is okay. he was a chronic alcoholic and smoker and does not drink or smoke anymore, alas he has lost his voice but he is alive and grateful. Love to your family MR.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom