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Having a big slip!!!

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    Having a big slip!!!

    Dear all friends,

    I've been doing so well in the last few weeks, but all of a sudden, I've lost my resolve.

    Have only had 5 days drinking out of nearly a month (and only once have I have I been out of control), and been able to moderate but i've had a few drinks tonight and I just want to get a few thoughts out.

    My fiancee is a gem and I know I am really lucky to have him, but I'm really scared that my new resolve is slipping. I feel really bad because I read alot of members messages and so many of you have poorly relatives or pets and I just feel pathetic that I don't really have an excuse to drink.

    I've drank my own 3 cans of cider and just finished off my bf's 2 cans of beer he left in the fridge when he went to bed.

    I love this site and I hope I've given some good advise to new members but I feel like a really big failure tonight.

    I feel rotten and a fake because I know so many of you are going through some real times of advertisty.

    My bf has just gotten up and gone crazy that I drunk his beer. I don't blame him, I blame myself. This is the first time I've been on here drunk and I'm ashamed.

    Saying goodnight now, I'm very sorry.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    Having a big slip!!!

    Kitty, do not be sorry. All the pains are relative if you know what I mean. So you had a slip. We all do. Just move on.

    By the way, what is cider?

    Be kind to yourself. Thinking of you.


      Having a big slip!!!

      And please do not be ashamed. That is why we are here.


        Having a big slip!!!

        Kitty, in the first place none of us needs a reason to drink. We all drink quite well without a reason. We drink when we are happy, sad, promoted, disappointed, sleepy, awake, ...BREATHING. We drink because we can't stop. The ony way you can be a failure at this is quiting. The only person on this site who is not going to get sober is the one who quits. It has taken me 3 years to finally get sober and feel like it is right.

        Drink a big glass of water and get some rest. Tomorrow you will realize you just laid an egg. It is already laid, so there is nothing you can do now to prevent it. Walk around the egg, study it, learn from it, and move on. We need you here as much as you need to be here.

        God Bless
        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


          Having a big slip!!!

          Ditto to all of the above. None of us need a reason to drink - we just do it. It's extremely hard not to. We've all stumbled and fallen about a million times. Time to get back up, brush yourself off and start again. No regrets. :h
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Having a big slip!!!

            Ya know, Bear, for the first time, I realized, you are right, we don't need an Excuse, we just need a Reason...big difference....that laid an egg for me just now....I'm still up after crawling nearly 4k miles via planes, trains and automobiles almost, after a huge fall, and after feeling pretty strong...I'm letting myself off the hook a bit because it was mandatory to get off the supps/topa and I'd just started...but, I still could've gone to the trouble to tote my computer thru security, talked to ya'll about what was going on, instead of going to the bar...I'm like you, I'm a bit to tender to strike out too far, but that was mandatory too...we just have a's why we are here, and Kitty, I already posted that I wanted to keep playing even tho I've flunked don't feel bad, you've done really well, its an egg, and Bear is totally right about that too, study it, learn from it, and get back up....I just did it yesterday, and have studied it all day stay put right here with us, we need you! I got a tough in Texas week coming up, so nobody can bail out here! Get some Gatorade, and if you can get to a health food store/grocery...some Emergen C'll help with the dehydration and get you back to human faster...we own a pharmacy, and I know lots about the human condition, was even a drug rep., so I know better all the way around, and like I said earlier....I'm so retarded, I can't learn either...but I'm catching up.....holler at us tomorrow....this too shall pass!!!!
            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


              Having a big slip!!!

              kitty, like the others have said, you don't need an excuse to drink. You are also NOT rotten or fake. You are great to log on here and let it out. It is so important to speak your mind and you can do that here. Feeling like you are alone with this worry is just awful. But- you are not alone. We all have some common ground here, so give yourself a break. Have a rest and you will be fine. Love, Bella xxx


                Having a big slip!!!

                Hey Kitty,

                Please don't feel bad about your slip. Everyone here is at different stages of their journey with drinking.
                I am not AF at the moment and want to be....I recently just completed 30 days AF and was absolutely SURE I would carry on being AF, but I slipped and still haven't got back on the wagon.

                Don't beat yourself up, it only creates more feelings that may lead to more drinking.

                Just keep on coming back to us here for support and keep as focused as you can on cutting back little by little or meeting your goals, whatever they may be.
                Try to give yourself 'positive self talk' as often as you can.

                Nobody is perfect and we all lead such different lives with different circumstances, there is no point in comparing yourself with others.
                Again, don't feel bad.
                Take care.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Having a big slip!!!

                  Don't feel bad, I've been doing it for over 20 years now, I always said it was my escape, now its my problem that I want to escape from, lol.

                  Keep going, you will get support and love here, and hold your head up high, your not alone.

                  I'm sending love and manifesting strength for you.

                  Jasmin xxx
                  :thanks: :h


                    Having a big slip!!!

                    Hey Kitty,

                    You can't change what you have done, but a bear says, learn from it.....

                    Take care,

                    Love Betty xx


                      Having a big slip!!!

                      Kitty, sorry you are having such a bad day. Don't marry this guy, until you get your drinking under control or until he accepts what you do. Days like this do not make a good marriage.

