The second day I was there, a new arrival came in. He seemed fine. He was active and participating in group activities. He was a successful businessman with a 12 and 9 year old, but he drank a handle of Grey Goose about every two days. He laid down to take a nap before dinner and he had a fatal seizure. We all saw it happen. He was dead before he left the detox ward.
The moral of the story: DON'T DETOX AT HOME. Clearly, it's dangerous enough in a hospital. I think of all the times I thought "eh, I'll just sleep it off in a day," makes my heart race. Alcohol detox is dangerous. I'm not an emotional type, but I can't help but to cry when I think of this poor man's children.
I am at detoxed and am at home for a few days tying up loose ends (mostly work related), but will be returning for an obviously needed 30 day stay at "Club Vista."